Responses: 3
CW3 Kevin Storm
I am a Glock guy, I love the modularity of the Glock system. That said, Sig is normally a good fire arm, a very good friend of mine from active duty and was an Air Marshall swore by them. The safety issue does give me concern. If they can square that away it should be a decent piece. If I am not mistaken the M-11 pistol is a Sig as well. I never heard anything bad about that firearm, but I was never a secret squirrel, unless you count those midnight requisitions form the motor pool next door.
LTC Jeff Shearer
Chief I have lots of friends that love the glock, I carried a Sig for many years in the Counter Narcotics business. before I left we had gone to the .357 Sig on both the primary and back up AKA concealed carry. I have been around guns my entire life, I have no idea how much time I have with some type of gun in my hand and I have to be honest, my favorite auto loader is a Sig. My favorite wheel gun is a Smith. On the smith I wore one concealed for many years, a "2 hammerless. That is the most reliable, accurate little gun I have ever shot, ever. I have no idea how many rounds I have fired trough my smith, but it a lot.
Chief thanks for the post and the conversation about pistols, I am pretty limited in my experience but I love em
Chief thanks for the post and the conversation about pistols, I am pretty limited in my experience but I love em
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