Posted on Dec 10, 2020
Last ‘Kraken’ Slain: Court Notes ‘Federal Judges Do Not Appoint the President,’ Wonders Why...
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
If people still think Trump can turn this around with every case has been thrown out they must be Delusional. I know some of the Trump supports my age starting to come off the orange koolaid but the older trumpers I don't know if they're delusional or just senile.
SSgt (Join to see)
When someone answers a call of the heart, age does not matter. I agree that 90% of our politicians need to be put out to pasture. They have no heart left in the game.
By your words I am just a few years from "being put out to pasture" based SOLELY on age. Guess I better invest in Walkers and adult diaper stocks now...
By your words I am just a few years from "being put out to pasture" based SOLELY on age. Guess I better invest in Walkers and adult diaper stocks now...
PFC (Join to see)
SSgt (Join to see) My grandfather is 72 an sound of mind but he's told me himself people of his age shouldn't be in politics the stress can effect their health or mental state easily. He doesn't think the older generations want to budge an work with millenials nor take them serious. We don't even see eye to eye on issues but I still respect him none the less. I tell him he's stuck in his ways an he'll say I'm full of youthful inexperience. As I will say when I get older.
SSgt (Join to see)
Hehehe. My grand parents - all 4 of them - were born in the 1880s. My dad in 1916, my mom in 1924. I never saw eye-to-eye with them either. Grandpa was quick with his cane and I had the bruises to show for it. Both of my parents, and all of my grand parents lived through the Great Depression. Grandpa fought in the trenches in WW-I, Dad flew in the Army Air Corps WW-II (Africa). Mom was a Women's Marine Reserve in WW-II. I did not grow up with boomer parents or grand parents. I am technically a boomer - but so late in the generation I could easily fit into the Gen X set. My wife is certainly Gen X. All of my kids are Gen Y though our youngest missed Gen Z by a year.
Our friends, and those we call family by choice, are almost all GenX-GenY. Our kids are great friends, and most of their friends are our friends as well. And no, we don't see eye-to-eye on everything - and tease each other about it like we were blood related. Our (foster) son has more tattoos than you can shake a stick at, wears his pants below his (non-existent) butt and is always close to our hearts. He's already been married and divorced and was so afraid to show up at another (adopted) family member's wedding because he though we would be disappointed in him. You would be surprised how the act of Grace will smooth so many things out. And he is GenY.
I learned more from oral history than I did from books - which often contradicted the oral history. Ever listen to someone describe what it was like moving from Kansas to Oregon, then to Yakima by covered wagon? Or first impressions of the horseless cart? The hardships of the Great Depression? Been raised with Victorian Age molded mindsets? In just 4 generations my family went from covered wagons, horses and a lot of physical labor (start of the Industrial Revolution) to computers in your pocket, cars that can do over 120 MPH, a man on the moon and more (the Information Age). Of course my mindset and viewpoint is different than yours. It has nothing to do with age, per se, but more with experiences and living through advancements.
As far as age being a limiting factor - everyone is different. Yes, I don't have the stamina I did as a young Marine. But I still have the vigor - and an intense desire to learn. Even at almost 60 years old I fully believe I will see the day that scientists halt, then turn back the clock on aging plus incredible advances in DNA treatments.
Holding the office of POTUS will age anyone! Look at Obama who went in as a young (middle-aged) man and came out grey haired and aged a good 20 years. Trump shows the same vigor even being 20 years older. Biden, on the other hand, is already slated to take office and within, the first year, leave.
Supposedly, with age comes wisdom. That has been debunked. Not all people who get old ever gain in wisdom. It is an activity one must partake in to gain.
Our friends, and those we call family by choice, are almost all GenX-GenY. Our kids are great friends, and most of their friends are our friends as well. And no, we don't see eye-to-eye on everything - and tease each other about it like we were blood related. Our (foster) son has more tattoos than you can shake a stick at, wears his pants below his (non-existent) butt and is always close to our hearts. He's already been married and divorced and was so afraid to show up at another (adopted) family member's wedding because he though we would be disappointed in him. You would be surprised how the act of Grace will smooth so many things out. And he is GenY.
I learned more from oral history than I did from books - which often contradicted the oral history. Ever listen to someone describe what it was like moving from Kansas to Oregon, then to Yakima by covered wagon? Or first impressions of the horseless cart? The hardships of the Great Depression? Been raised with Victorian Age molded mindsets? In just 4 generations my family went from covered wagons, horses and a lot of physical labor (start of the Industrial Revolution) to computers in your pocket, cars that can do over 120 MPH, a man on the moon and more (the Information Age). Of course my mindset and viewpoint is different than yours. It has nothing to do with age, per se, but more with experiences and living through advancements.
As far as age being a limiting factor - everyone is different. Yes, I don't have the stamina I did as a young Marine. But I still have the vigor - and an intense desire to learn. Even at almost 60 years old I fully believe I will see the day that scientists halt, then turn back the clock on aging plus incredible advances in DNA treatments.
Holding the office of POTUS will age anyone! Look at Obama who went in as a young (middle-aged) man and came out grey haired and aged a good 20 years. Trump shows the same vigor even being 20 years older. Biden, on the other hand, is already slated to take office and within, the first year, leave.
Supposedly, with age comes wisdom. That has been debunked. Not all people who get old ever gain in wisdom. It is an activity one must partake in to gain.

Suspended Profile
The mental gymnastics some people will do to avoid admitting that they backed the wrong horse. I wish I could understand where they’re coming from but I’m not batshit crazy and intellectually dishonest *shrug*
SSgt (Join to see)
CWO3 (Join to see) - I would promote unity in action and founding principles.
How did we manage to become this divided? It certainly did not happen over night! I've seen it consistently grow over decades. And I've watched as people change sides over time. I started off as a Democrat and now find myself voting a mostly *conservative* ticket. Not necessarily a Republican ticket.
And it has been We The People who have allowed this to go on for decades, if not generations. In each primary I tend to vote for the person who is seeking office rather than trying to stay in office - running on the conservative side of things regardless of the letter after their name. 2 terms - POTUS or Congressional - should be the max. Lobbyists should be banned. Government should be reigned back in. Look at our Constitution and Bill of Rights sometime. 90% of what the Hill bickers about IS NOT EVEN IN THEIR ALLOTED RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES.
And, unfortunately, I smell a revolution beginning to rise up. Not a civil war - a revolution - against those that cling to their power and ignore the 330+ million that make up We The People. I do hear Civil War from those on the left. I do not hear it very often from the right. The conservatives ire is directed at "the system" of government that has grown like a cancer.
And yes - a lot of us are like kids on Christmas morning, running down stairs to find the Christmas Tree buried in horse poop. We gladly get out our shovels and start digging because there has to be a pony buried in there somewhere.
How did we manage to become this divided? It certainly did not happen over night! I've seen it consistently grow over decades. And I've watched as people change sides over time. I started off as a Democrat and now find myself voting a mostly *conservative* ticket. Not necessarily a Republican ticket.
And it has been We The People who have allowed this to go on for decades, if not generations. In each primary I tend to vote for the person who is seeking office rather than trying to stay in office - running on the conservative side of things regardless of the letter after their name. 2 terms - POTUS or Congressional - should be the max. Lobbyists should be banned. Government should be reigned back in. Look at our Constitution and Bill of Rights sometime. 90% of what the Hill bickers about IS NOT EVEN IN THEIR ALLOTED RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES.
And, unfortunately, I smell a revolution beginning to rise up. Not a civil war - a revolution - against those that cling to their power and ignore the 330+ million that make up We The People. I do hear Civil War from those on the left. I do not hear it very often from the right. The conservatives ire is directed at "the system" of government that has grown like a cancer.
And yes - a lot of us are like kids on Christmas morning, running down stairs to find the Christmas Tree buried in horse poop. We gladly get out our shovels and start digging because there has to be a pony buried in there somewhere.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
SSgt (Join to see) - Do nothing is far less dangerous than the current thug who attacks democracy and envies dictators
SSgt (Join to see)
All it takes for the powers of evil to win is for good men to haul of and DO NOTHING. Doing nothing is far more dangerous. Freedom is not a passive act.
Wait for it - The Mother of all Krakens. Lots of dead trees in this one.
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CWO3 (Join to see)
Patricia Overmeyer - Some want a refund. [login to see] /

Donor to pro-Trump group sues to get his money back after dropped election lawsuits
Fred Eshelman, who gave $2.5 million to the group True the Vote to back President Trump's challenges to the election, is suing for his money back.
Patricia Overmeyer
CWO3 (Join to see) - LOL!!! I think a lot of the taxpayers want a refund for having to pay for the public attorneys who had to work overtime with their staff to defend against these nonsensical lawsuits. We're now at 1-55. So much winning!
Patricia Overmeyer
MSgt Paul Connors - Two totally different cases and you are comparing apples to lamb chops. First, no one was claiming widespread fraud, conspiracy theories of stolen votes by a cabal in Germany, Switzerland, etc. in the 2000 election. Second, the total number of votes in the 2000 Florida election was a 2,000 difference in which mathematically there was a viability that a recount would change the results. None of that is the case in this election. Third, there is no credible evidence being presented in this election that the outcome would be affected. There is nothing from the outset which shows the ballot design was defective. And hand counts in the states have matched the machine counts. Fourth, Biden has well over the 270 electoral votes, whereas neither Bush nor Gore had 270 electoral votes.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
MSgt Paul Connors - One case solved in quick order and not even the conservative judges said it was fraudulent, Tr y again with a better straw-man to what-about with?
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