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Responses: 4
Lt Col Charlie Brown
About time. No breed is born bad. It's about the owners
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SGT Combat Engineer
No. Nope. No. I like dogs. I like animals. I think most of the problem (not all, but most) is the owners of pit bulls, but nonetheless, I'm for banning the collection of breeds that are pit bulls. That every aspect of the problem is one that the pit bull lobby relies on to muddle the waters - playing with the numbers based on the ambiguity of what is and is not a pit bull. But I think most folks know them when they see them. I favor letting the current crop live out their lives, but no breeding. No continuation. End it when they're gone.

Every, single time that I see one of these, it is in the possession of somebody dressed up to look a like a thug, the dog there just for the purpose of being yet another "thug-life" fashion accessory. Every. Single. Time. They couldn't control the dog if they wanted to. And then somebody's dog gets mauled, or a person gets mauled, or a person (usually either elderly or a child) gets KILLED. Because the guy wants to play at being the tough guy when he walks around the neighborhood. Tired of it.
PO1 Cryptologic Technician Collection
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6 y
Every time you see a pit-bull it is in the possession of somebody dressed up to look like a "thug"? Is that your position here?

"Thugs" have pit-bulls because they are a fashion accessory?

Describe these "thugs"?
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Edited 6 y ago
I agree it is 99% the owners, however, the breed has been developed and bred over the years to be aggressive. They are bred to fight. To restrain their natural tendency takes serious training. But, IMO, most of those who own them don't want to restrain the tendency.
While serving as a Sentry Dog handler in my first few years in the Army, I made extra money training dogs for civilians. When I started doing this, I learned very quickly that before you can train a dog, you must first train the owner/handler. After a short tome training, I refused to work with pit bulls and Rottweilers. I had no problems with the dogs, but I could not get the owners to do the right thing.
I don't know the answer to this problem, but I think perhaps more stringent licensing, strong laws, and enforcement of those laws. That may help.
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