LibriVox - "Acoustical liberation of books in the public domain"
Went looking for pdf to download of Lao-Tze's "Tao Teh King" (Tao te ching) which I wanted to reread, having read it many moons ago in late 1960s. Thought I ought to check out what I programmed myself with in times past, and whether or not I want to deprogram any of it.
Happened upon a recording of it at LibirVox. The catalog can be browsed from anywhere on the site. This link happens to be the Tao Te Ching link.
If recorded books are of interest there is probably something for everyone in the Public Domain recordings - its like books on tape but easier to access. They can be listened to online, and downloaded.
I like the way LibriVox is described! "Acoustical liberation of books in the public domain"