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Responses: 6
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Time doesn't necessarily heal all wounds and in Jane Fonda's case that is more than true. I can understand your perspective but as someone who was there as she was carrying out her unpatriotic actions, I simply can't buy it.
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SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Edited 25 d ago
Jane Fonda went far beyond that and even went to North Vietnam and did what was outright treason.! POW's suffered because of Her tuning over note for help from them to the Commandant of that POW camp and some of the POW's got tortured because of Her. She posed for photos with North Vietnamese Communist Military People right there in North Vietnam. I agree with My fellow Americans of Vietnamese heritage. As a Vietnam Veteran Myself I find Her conduct 100% disgraceful and as far as I'm concerned She belonged in Jail NOT in Hollywood. I would hover agree that both LBJ and Robert McNamara (correct spelling) were crooks and making plenty of money on the Vietnam War by subcontracting with political friends of there doing construction work that the Army Corp of Engineer, Navy Seabee's and Air Force Redhorse could do without any help. The prime civilian Contractor RMK-BRJ were Texas buddies of LBJ and LBJ company (He changed Lady Bird to be listed as the owner so He could claim He didn't have the contract ) sub contracted with RMK-BRJ and made millions of dollars which would continue as long as the war did.

The Vietnam war could have ended in 4 to 6 months if it wasn't for the corrupt LBJ and McNamara and the anti War protestors that didn't even have a clue what was going on. The micro Management from LBJ's Washington got a lot of military people killed that didn't need to die. Jane Fonda completely disgust Me and as a Vietnam Veteran Myself in 1968-69 I will NEVER forgive her for what She has done !
LTC Thomas (Tom) Jones
LTC Thomas (Tom) Jones
25 d
Again, mine was not a celebration nor a justification. It was a simple reflection. What she did was dumb and the fallout from it has followed her for generations. I most certainly agree with you that student protestors--then and now--are generally motivated by issues of socialization and misinformation and are, more often than not, useful tools for those with a more sinister agenda. As for the POW issue, a lot has been said and written discrediting the fact that it ever happened. That includes interviews with the seven POWs she actually met with in Hanoi. I wasn't there, of course, but this is what some who were had to say about it: https://reason.com/2005/05/18/did-hanoi-jane-pass-notes-hand/
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
21 d
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter That story, with different people different times, is probably the story of every War and conflict in which our nation has been involved. The people making the most profit, are often the ones whose reasoning for engaging was supported - for any number of reason by any number of people - a "boost" to the economy through industry and profit sharing, depopulation, strengthening alliances, scapegoating another nation . . . the list is endless of less than stellar reasons that result in death and destruction (planned and unplanned).<sigh>
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MSG Stan Hutchison
LTC Thomas (Tom) Jones
Good post. I mostly agree with your comments about Fonda.

However, you posted :
"Most prominent among those hiding behind her skirts where, of course, LBJ and Robt MacNamara."

You must add Richard Nixon, Melvin R. Laird (SecDef 1969-1973), maybe James Schlesinger (SecDef 1973-1975) and probably Henry Kessinger. US KIA for their time in office was over 21,000 warriors.
LTC Thomas (Tom) Jones
LTC Thomas (Tom) Jones
24 d
And countless Vietnamese allies and civilians. Good point, MSG Stan Hutchison.
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