Manchester attack: 'Fury' at US 'evidence' photos leak - BBC News
Whatever happened to the fairness doctrine?
Sinclair Broadcasting on Tuesday modified its plans to run a program centered around Stolen Honor, a 42-minute documentary film highly critical of John ...
Reagan's Veto Kills Fairness Doctrine Bill
President Reagan, intensifying the debate over whether the nation's broadcasters must present opposing views of controversial issues, has vetoed legislation to turn into law the 38-year-old...
Dickinson: So Long, Fair and Balanced Media
Few observers seriously expected the Obama administration to revive the Fairness Doctrine, the Federal Communications Commission policy requiring broadcasters to evenhandedly present "conflicting views on controversial issues of public importance." But it's shocking to see Obama's FCC chair shoot it in the head and then dance on its grave.
Killing the Fairness Doctrine. Again
The Federal Communications Commission plans to officially kill the Fairness Doctrine. Rush Limbaugh can finally rest easy.
British Police Decry Apparent U.S. Leaks Of Manchester Attack Evidence
Information and photos related to the Manchester investigation have been published in the U.S. press. British Prime Minister Theresa May said she would raise the issue with President Trump.