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Responses: 3
Cpl Justin Goolsby
I really hate how articles keep saying he fell to his death. Falling implies it was accidental. You don't accidentally sprint the length of your squadbay than accidentally vault over a waist high wall separating you from a 3 story drop.
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MSG Mark Million
Good pressure and stress induction is essential to making a good Marine/Soldier, being abusive, bigoted, and apparently drunk on duty is stupid and unacceptable!!! It may need to be a bit of a pressure cooker environment, but it doesn't need to be racist or Islamophobic.
Cpl Tom Surdi
Cpl Tom Surdi
>1 y
I agree with the drunk and racist portion of your comment. But I personally dealt with a lot harder treatment than being slapped. I was called names, thrown against a wall, tripped, among other things. I don't condone the DI for being drunk and spouting off racial slurs and support his court martial. But if you can't handle a little mistreatment, you have no business being at Parris Island taking part in recruit training.
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Shaun Anderson
Who are these kids who believe they are strong enough to defend and fight for our country. This military is not for the weak. Take a good look at yourself before considering this step. It's unfortunate but what if he would of made it through and then decided this in the battlefield.
Cpl Tom Surdi
Cpl Tom Surdi
>1 y
Who is this civilian talking about the military like they are a part of it? The military can make the weak strong, and the strong break. You know nothing of the military other than what people have told you. Don't pretend you know anything about us.
Shaun Anderson
Shaun Anderson
>1 y
I know more than you think, and I see plenty of weak come back weak from serving time. Better watch your mouth soldier boy.
Shaun Anderson
Shaun Anderson
>1 y
Anyway, thanks for you service, it's not an easy job.
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