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Responses: 8
Cpl Jeff N.
I recall reading a few years ago that the Marine Corps has one of the largest air forces in the world, certainly behind the USAF and USN but pretty large overall and we fly a lot of hours apparently.
LTC Jeff Shearer
LTC Jeff Shearer
7 y
Jeff I am one of the lucky ones over the many years I did that stuff to have gotten to work with the Marines on several occasions. As I look back I vividly remember several occasions when I would exchange foreign weapons training and ammo for maritime operations training i.e. keeping cast masters current etc... I love working with the Marines, I liked where I was doing what I was doing but Marines were my knuckle dragging barbarian brothers.
LTC Jeff Shearer
LTC Jeff Shearer
7 y
...Oh almost forgot, if some jackass needed a little killing the Marines were always on board for that, I love it.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
7 y
We have a penchant for destroying things. It is in the Marine DNA.
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LTC Jeff Shearer
Edited 7 y ago
Jefe, I feel the Marines have a great understanding of what the demands keeping us safe entails. If I am not mistaken it took the Marines several years to officially come into the Special Operations fold. I think there was a concern they would lose control of the asset i.e. some Army General having control of Marines. Then finally MARSOC happened but the truth is we are all one team and that is just my pre-coffee guess.
CW5 Jack Cardwell
CW5 Jack Cardwell
7 y
Well said !
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CW5 John M.
I remember when it was not uncommon to fly 80-100 hours a month. The cut-off was (I recall) 120 hours a month, though I’d heard some flew more. An eight hour day was not unusual, but you simply could not keep it up for too long - it took too much time away from the “club” :)
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