Back in 2014, Simpson created "Marines and Mickey," claiming the charity sent Marines and their families to Disney.
But, the F.B.I. says Simpson spent that money on bills, a new car and bikini-wear for his wife.
The F.B.I. also says he withdrew $47,000 in cash for his father.
A criminal complaint says Cathy Wells was one of the primary victims. Her son, Corporal Squire 'Skip' Wells was one of the service members killed in the July 16th, 2015 attack in Chattanooga. Skip Wells grew up near Atlanta.
Cathy Wells told us she gave more than $135,000 to the charity to have a barbershop opened in her son's name. Simpson never opened the barbershop.
Simpson also reportedly exaggerated his military service, telling people he was a "retired career Marine", when the complaint says he only served 4 years. Two of those are reported to be Absent Without Leave and he received a bad conduct discharge in 1997. By misleading donors and volunteers about his military background, Simpson was able to add credibility to his solicitations for money.