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Responses: 2
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
MAJ James Woods Thank God, Trump's Fascist Nationalism had No Place in America. Trump's "Make America Great Again" had the Opposite Affect. Greatly Reduced our Standing in the World.
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Cpl Mark A. Morris
I am glad General Mattis served our country for such a long time.
With unfair trade the previous administrations allowed the weakening of the American poor and middle class, I was glad POTUS choose to help the American worker rather than globalist billionaire's and their agenda.
POTUS also got NATO countries to pony up their share of defense. Rather than the American tax payer paying it for them. I mean, they are the re-born Roman Empire. Do they want to defend themselves?
I find it odd, the previous POTUS thought ISIS a JV team. It tells me he did as he was told and had no clue favoring the Shia in Iraq would cause civil war with the Sunni's. Not to mention, inflaming a civil war in Syria and destroying Libya which'd caused untold millions of military aged Muslim men from Islamic terrorist countries to flood Europe while thousands were killed and displaced. West Africa starved when Libyan trade was destroyed. DaOne sure help the common security by hijacking the Arab Spring and turning it into the Arab Spring Holiday of Blood.
The trade treaties POTUS has made helps secure peace for all. I suspect, the large trade agreement with India will help stop China's aggression.
It looks like Biden will be sworn in. But, there are a few legal issues moving forward with the voting software from Dominion. Perhaps, with Biden in office, we can look forward to open borders, larger central government, higher taxes, China winning, allowing the Paris accords to hobble our economy, giving free health care to illegal aliens (So, they will vote Democrat?), taxing weapons already owned by law abiding American citizens and moving full steam ahead with the murder of the innocent known as abortion, late term abortion, or Moloch Worship?
Have a good day MAJ. I would like to talk to General Mattis and pick his brain on several issues.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
>1 y
LCpl Leo Morrissey - Me too. But I do not miss the 5 mile runs at pace. Although, it does mean one is healthy.
James Anders
James Anders
>1 y
LCpl Leo Morrissey - It's obvious who's being the snowflake here, and it isn't me.

Rallypoint allows civilians here, and AFAIK I'm not the only civilian who comments from time to time here. You certainly don't seem to mind have any problems with civilians when they're agreeing with your BS (like that thread where everyone, civilian or not, was cheering on the psychos who were trying to run the Biden bus off the road).

Why bother replying to my comment that's already 3 months old, snowflake?
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
>1 y
LCpl Leo Morrissey - Shouldn't your rank read Sgt? Your post reminds me of my old Sgt. LMBO!
James Anders
James Anders
3 y
LCpl Leo Morrissey - Again, I'm obviously not the snowflake with TDS here (you didn't realize that TDS goes both ways?).
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