I cried today when I read and saw this. I am studying mental health and the stigma. I can guarantee there is a Cause and Affect to mental health. If you are in the military or any other first reconsider or for that matter anyone dealign with mental health look for cause and affect. You react normally to abnormal conditions. Your normal reactions are abnormal to normal society because what you actually experienced is abnormal, which creates some sort of spiral
I will state before I go further that I believe that most People in some service are good people, but it only takes a few predator sociopath nuts., or maybe just an honest mistake creating injury. The victims will act abnormally compared those not affected. The unaffected will be challenged.
I was watching another video on YouTube, about suicide in Australia which is a crisis for young men recently, and a rugby player who It looks like had no dad, like me, that got injured like me, taking away rugby where he proved he was a man and fit in, without a father.
Guess what the Navy was my Rugby, where I was to succeed and make my mom and country proud, and getting so confused, I did not even know what to do, when I got my discharge paper out the side of a building, I did not know for some 10 plus years It was an honorable. I never opened it. I drove away off of North Island, 26 in a daze and in a few months post discharge in San Diego still I would be in a emergency room psych ward getting medicated for homeless people. and young never wanting to give up, like that navy spirit. few years I would be in a suicide hospital.
Do you hear their souls? Cut my mind out. Mental Health stigma has been around for a while. They never look at the cause. They blame the victim.
You wonder is this AZTEC RITUAL, Where they cut your heart out, for spiritual
Doctors in my case did not get into my brain but used lithium that made me puke in revulsion after being diagnosed with major depression and bi polar 22 years old, 4 years into some crazy assignment to a guided missile frigate. Hell when I tried to transfer to the Army and MEPS DQ me for Psych and Spine off the ship, they never once considered I was injured damaged by the ship assignment, and sent me back to the ship in the 1990s.
But as would have it they would never once look cause and affect in the military. Never once referenced in my medical reviews was my actual duty assignment, and all the stressors that the Navy trains you with manuals and says this is “dangerous” this is “lethal” “Hazmat” “Caution” endlessly through all the manuals.
Let alone this thing called Toxic Leadership. Who made this quote?
In 1988, Naval Reserve CINCPACFLT Detachment 420
(CINCPACFLT DET 420) conducted a management review and
organizational analysis of the Naval Reserve. The CINCPACFLT
Det 420 Management Assistance Team (MAT) was tasked by the
Director of Naval Reserve to conduct this analysis. Although
the emphasis was on the Naval Reserve Surface Force and
CNAVRES organization as a whole, their analysis addressed
issues encountered by the Naval Air Reserve Force as well.
The MAT findings maintained that the administrative and
organizational problems facing the Naval Reserve were a result
of the Naval Reserve operating contrary to established Navy
principles of leadership, command, chain of command, teamwork,
completed staff work, and career incentives. (CINCPACFLT DET
420, 1988)
See I am not very amazed at Psych Doctors. They read books to understand things that they possibly never experienced, and usually do it for a pay check to pay their bills to live in America, the land of the free.
I lived the experience
Glad they did not lobotomize me.
I met my dad who died recently. He lost everything and lived under bridges. He was a Army Infantry 11LIB Soldier 66-68 the deadliest years of any conflict since. I joined the Navy to ramp up quick and be an officer by 22, in this reserve enlistment I was recruited, into at 18. A fatherless Little young kid led by men. My mom said good bye. I went to bootcamp. I came back a really cool kid uniform and all meritorious advancement 18, walking the downtown streets of San Diego with courage, a Navy Town, and I was a young proud Navy Man. My beautiful lovely affectionate mother to me, would watch me crumble in the next 5 years. My fiancé who I met right after bootcamp all proud and young would call me to break up a few years into this, when I was blanked out, and still assigned to the ship, and under OpSec. I never once talked about the ship. I was just some guy going crazy for no reason.
You wonder what leadership and medical professionals are all about when you are smack dab in the middle of America and this is happening. These doctors and leaders do they have mothers they are trying to make proud? Why don't they care about my family? My mom would pass, RIP way before I would find the next report. What is this was your high school and you went to it for 4 years, and later to come to find out there was some odd staffing that the creators would state "Admittingly, there are some potential problems" and your life would end up in suicide hospitals?
I am glad they do not do lobotamy
Now I read this about the units and ship I was assigned for 5 years. It was running this Manning program as noted in DOD reports, I discovered in 2020. These reports show a lot of calculation by older men not considering the 18 year old who might be assigned.
1976 Annual Defense Department Report
Another more important initiative is our plan to man some of our active surface combatants at 80% of active manning, relying on selected reserve personnel to fill the remaining billets upon mobilization.”
Admittingly, there are some potential problems involved in the 80/20 concept, most of which center around the interrelated factors of maintenance and operational tempo.
Over 31% of the United States Navy's combatant surface
escort force are guided missile frigates (FFGs) assigned to the
Naval Reserve Force (NRF).
Glad they did not do lobotomy any more.