Footage from 100 years ago.
Published on Jul 25, 2018
(This film is silent)
National Archives Identifier: 24923
Local Identifier: 111-H-1421 Series: Historical Films, ca. 1914 - ca. 1936
Record Group 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer
Other Title(s): Historical Film, No. 1421
Scope & Content: Shows the recently captured towns of Beaufort and Nouart; panoramic views of the Meuse Valley; railroad track in the sector; supply trains moving up near Esnes; 314th Engrs. repairing railroad shops at Remonville; Gen. Summerall watching the repair work; engineers crossing the Meuse; ambulances bringing wounded to an aid station; Summerall addressing the 353rd Inf.; streets and buildings in Stenay; Gens. Wright, Winn, and Todd with their staffs; and a football game between 354th Inf. teams.