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Responses: 1
LT Scott Greiling
I'll wait for more info before judgment. If the tanker changed course at last minute, what was the CPA before a change in course? What does the log say for reports made to CO? Did CIC notice anything, lookouts, JOOD, OOD, etc. If the CPA was close aboard, who was on the bridge wing watching it closely? Did tanker make a call on Channel 16? Equipment (rudder/engine) issues?
1px xxx
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Yes, there are huge numbers of questions, and it appears the Crystal was on autopilot at the collision. But nonetheless, the rules of the road are there, and given that I've been in close calls I know how hard it is, but I never hit anyone...
1px xxx
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>1 y
I will also add, based on what I saw in my last two sea tours in the early 90's, that the over reliance on technology on the bridge and in combat has greatly reduced the acuity and seamanship of officers today. I never served in an Aegis ship, but I know things are far more automated than they were then, and there were times when tech went down, we had to go old school and SWOS Basic grads had no idea what to do...

Yes I know that makes me a dinosaur, but so be it.

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