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Responses: 4
Lt Col Charlie Brown
I took the initial vaccines but none after that. I work hard to stay healthy and haven't gotten the virus. My sibling and her spouse have both gotten all the boosters and have both been infected twice. I will trust to my health routine for this...and I am not an antivaxxer...I have taken the shingles shots, pneumonia shots, etc
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SMSgt Anil Heendeniya
Edited >1 y ago
Stop reading headlines and look up the facts. What you're repeating is a clear misrepresentation of facts that's playing into the agenda of the nutballs who've been pushing a false and anti-government/CDC agenda from the beginning. Much of the losses are those who waited to get the shot, and were likely already infected when they finally got the first shot.

MSgt Dee Ann P.
MSgt Dee Ann P.
>1 y
Thanks for your comments. I’m not misleading anyone. I’m a Covid survivor, ivermectin kicks A$$! Have a nice day!
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CSM Charles Hayden
@MSgt Dee Ann Poole As a senior, senior citizen no one seems to have answers that check out! I have had 4 virus injections, suffered from the virus for 15 days and am now ? in the midst of a relapse, (4 days so far), that has not indicate me being infected again.
Did the injections help? If I do the ‘Right’ thing, am I being stupid?
MSgt Dee Ann P.
MSgt Dee Ann P.
>1 y
This is how a doctor explained it to me: each injection is different because of how it’s mixed. For example: when you make gravy, the ingredients separate if they’re not constantly mixed. So, if you take a spoon without mixing it up, you get what you get — too much of one ingredient and not enough of another. The vaccine is the same. the howbadismybatch.com website shows the VAERS results of each injection batch if you want to look it up. The batch number should be on your vaccination card. I highly recommend taking D3, Quercetin and zinc to stay healthy. Bee pollen is also an excellent daily preventative. Good luck to you!
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