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Responses: 6
CPT Jack Durish
There are few "real" climatologists in the world and I have yet to find one endorsing the Climate Change/Warming/Cooling computer models on which all the hyperbole is based. Climate Change is a propaganda weapon designed to instill fear in people so that their behavior can be controlled. (And there's a period at the end of that sentence for a reason)
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SGT Jim Arnold
these same scientist said the world would go through another ice age when i was just a young boy in the late 60's early 70's. the fact some data cruncher from a lab in England were busted tends to invalidate anything that lab tried to insinuate and by large the global climate kooks
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LTC David Brown
I have followed Dr Curry for a long time. Dr. Curry does believe that global warming is partially driven by human activity, but she is honest. She has my utmost respect.
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Thank you! I am so much against carbon tax and spend and global warming scam that both California, Canada and much of the world are forcing down our throats raising our gasoline and our utility rates all for fake science. I just did not know how much she had to suffer over this but the mainstream media won't really advertise this because it goes against what our former president wanted and what the European Union is forcing down their throats. It's funny how we have groupthink in Hollywood, the NFL and now in science. I even suspect that we have Native Americans and Canadians being paid off by environmentalist coming up with fear of environmental disaster when I still think it's Greenpeace and other groups being paid for by Russia and OPEC to confuse us at home so you have to be buying their oil from abroad. I think Jane Fonda is also part of that same stupid groupthink. Here she is telling Canada not continue to develop the oil sands area in Alberta yet she has oil being punked a couple miles away from her house by Hollywood High School that is just as dirty if not dirtier than the oil being pumped or being artificially separated with water and Heat in Alberta and shipped by rail car or pipeline down south the USA.http://www.cbc.ca/1.3930914
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