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Responses: 3
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thank you brother for the report.
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PO1 Cryptologic Technician Collection
Nothing in this report talks about salary information. How much is NNS paying these guys? Is there someone out there paying better? Are they competing in the market and making these jobs attractive? From this article it seems not, as far as working conditions are concerned.
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LTC Field Artillery Officer
This is an excellent article & further supports the lack of a true "technical/vocational" training field for many US workers. The whole liberal- "Oh, everyone needs to go to college" to be successful is just bogus.

What the US truly needs is a dual, tech/vocational training that can suffice for high school diplomas. We have a dire need in the US for skilled laborers, HVAC Technicians, plumbers, electricians and other great fields. These skilled workers can likely earn 60-100K, within just a couple of years- without the debt of a four year college degree (or higher).

We also need to incorporate at the National level (and also the State level), a journeyman/apprentice program to take unskilled youths and give them marketable skills in manufacturing and other skilled trades. Germany has a great program to train the next generation of German workers. We need to take a look at what they are doing & bring over the best ideas for our workforce.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) "The whole liberal- "Oh, everyone needs to go to college" to be successful is just bogus" I'm a Liberal I don't remember ever saying that.
PO2 Charles Fanning
PO2 Charles Fanning
>1 y
I do understand what you are saying but I disagree with your assessment. My area has a very good vocational school. But my area is a blue collar area also.

At the youngest school level we are teaching that the best jobs pay the most money and to get one of these jobs you have to have a higher education. We are not teaching pride in your job, We are not teaching get a job that makes you happy. We are teaching blue collar jobs are dead-end jobs with no future. This is the digital age no one in their right mind works for a living.

Anything to do with nuclear is dangerous and you will kill millions with no real regards to the facts.

I have seen kids come out of school with no other aspiration than to be a CEO and did not understand you have to work your way up. And to get a job flipping burgers? No way.

This is not just the education systems doing, they see it on TV media and everywhere else.

I guess what I am saying is until we change the mindset that we have gotten ourselves into. There will be no way to change our current path.
LTC Field Artillery Officer
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
I appreciate your thoughts & it definitely is dependent on your location. Some areas of the country have been chronically depressed: the Appalachian region & formerly big areas of steelmaking. What I was saying is that there's jobs out there- even manual/skilled labor as a welder that can be lucrative. I read a story about a welder that works in North Dakota/Bakken region & makes 100K in 6-months work a year.

My point also is there are many people that get useless college degrees & who don't understand why they can't get a job with an English degree... upvoted you.
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