Posted on Sep 18, 2021
New F-35 Sustainment Deal Creates Path To Lockheed Multi-Year PBL Contract - Breaking Defense
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
The left spends money like it is water, without care for where it comes from, when it will get paid back, or who the the money comes from... We are so far in debt now, it will never be paid back... We need another conservative President & Administration to curtail the spending imho!
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
PFC David Foster Your point is well taken and I may have misconstrued your comment thinking you just wanted to cut military spending. Sorry and I think our thoughts are running along the same lines.
Sgt (Join to see)
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D - Heaven help us if either Japan and China ever call the debt due them! This administration is way off the rails in my view...
We've reached the point where we must extend contracts or there will be no military industrial complex left.
Sgt Jim Belanus
I was thinking that also, your old base has northrup grumman building or maintaining drones in the old alert area
Sgt Jim Belanus
lots of the old bases closed and disposed of. We still have the radar station that was part of the ABM sys but the main launch base and remote sites have been sold off along with the 150 MM missile sites in the old GFAFB scope. Thank fully Minot is still up and running.
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