Posted on Aug 7, 2024
New list of 18 towns and cities that could see violence today
Edited 4 mo ago
Posted 4 mo ago
Responses: 2
Sharia Muslims will never assimilate to western culture nor respect western laws. They know and want only theocracy, government and religion in one, which is diametrically opposed to democracy. They subjugate women and non-Muslims. 1,400 years after Muhammad died, when Islam was isolated to the Arabian Peninsula, there are 50+ Muslim majority countries in the world, yet Sharia Muslims insist on migrating, immigrating, INVADING non-Muslim countries. Why? To CONQUER US. Most mosques are built on the foundations of Jewish Temples and Christian Churches. It's time to discuss the elephant in the room: #DEPORTATION.
MSgt Dale Johnson
The Elephant in the room are those who do not believe the Muslim Religion and Sharia Law require them to conquer and subjugate anyone who is not of their faith.
To me in this country Equal Rights means we grant others the same rights that we have, but that goes against the Muslin Faith, people need to wake up to this fact.
To me in this country Equal Rights means we grant others the same rights that we have, but that goes against the Muslin Faith, people need to wake up to this fact.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
MSgt Dale Johnson - Exactly right. And those idiots on the left who support Islam don't understand they will be the first to die.
Seems like the US is getting used to that kind of behavior under the current admin.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
We've Been Wrong About So Many Things Over The Past Several Decades,
It Keeps Becoming More And More Difficult To Recall It Being Otherwise.
It Keeps Becoming More And More Difficult To Recall It Being Otherwise.
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