Posted on Jun 1, 2017

Noose found inside Smithsonian's African-American history museum
Suspended Profile
Edited 8 y ago
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 16
In a nation of 300+ million people no one should be surprised by a single act of any sort. We have some pretty stupid people out there. It is also just as possible this is a hoax and was put there by someone wanting to make it look like something it is not. We have a little track record with faked racial stunts like this.
Some people just never grow up, nor can they let things alone. They need to let things of the past disapate, and learn to love their fellow man.
SSG Ronald Bloodworth
Absolutely correct! The problem arises when race baiter a and poverty pumps who's bread in buttered by keeping this sort of thinking alive and kicking never pass up an opportunity to break out their shitstirstick and go into overdrive to pit one race of Americans against another. That's also known as 4th generation warfare.... think about it.
Could it have been left as a "joke" (Griffin-style)? Could it have been a hoax (perpetrated by race-baiters)? Could it have been a "statement" (of bigotry)? Yes. It could be any and all of these. Does it matter? Would any one of these be more heinous than the others?
SN Greg Wright
You know, I hope that when I reach your age I'm as clear-headed as you are, Captain. (Not sarcasm at all, in case it's not clear.)
CPT Jack Durish
SN Greg Wright - Well thank you for that. Just remember to ask questions, all you can think of before formulating answers. The minute you devote yourself to one answer, questions stop and you miss other solutions/answers that might fit better than the one you find yourself defending. Also, remember that asking questions usually gets you in trouble. It always did for me. I was considered disruptive in class because I asked questions, questions that the teachers weren't prepared to answer. Worse yet, questions for which they weren't willing to seek answers.
MSgt Wayne Morris
Well Captain Jack, you have once again summed it up with logic and compassion. Your words say it all.
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In fact, the odds are with this being a hoax. So much so that the tern "noose hoaxes" is a default search for yahoo.
If you are surprised by it that means you are unaware of the reality of human nature. That is dangerous. You don't need to comprehend it just understand it is out there and you don't really know who they are and be prepared to defend yourself or your friends and family.
I am aware of human nature and understand the depravity of mankind. I know these people are among us. I take great effort to not be taken advantage by them or a victim of their plans. Perhaps you are simply to naïve and trusting for your own good.
Just slowly reread your second paragraph. You had every warning sign a person could want and you ignored them. Your ex was in trouble, a player, once divorced (warning from her), an addict etc. Even with the warning signs you waltzed right into the relationship. It is not a good heart that you have it is an unwillingness to accept the brutal reality staring you in the face.
I will let you have the last word because based upon our personality type you will get it anyway.