Responses: 3
Last Chance North Korea launches a video showing a nuclear attack against the US imagined
Corea del Norte lanza un video que muestra un ataque nuclear imaginado contra EE.UU. Corea del Norte acaba de publicar un nuevo video de propaganda titulado ...
Sir if this is the video (I got it from the video link), we need to hire whoever did the music score. I was actually pumped up listening to the music. And when was the last time a B-29 dropped ANYTHING?
This is an interesting video. We cant sleep on North Korea they are starving there people just to defeat us. Now the claim that the North Korea won the war is false. If the Chinese would have not stepped in the landscape would be different. North Korean forces were trapped against the Yalu river and all the MacArthur talk of destroying the Chinese forced China into the war.
If it was really true, we be celebrating the attack on DC! Don't the NK's realize they might be doing us a favor if they did Nuke DC??? :-)
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