Posted on Aug 26, 2023
Oliver Anthony Condemns Conservative Figures Adopting ‘Rich Men North Of Richmond': ‘I Wrote That...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
I like Oliver Anthony.
If you look beyond the articles and the left vs right statements coming from the media and politicians, he's authentic. I don't agree with everything he says, but he obviously is not doing it for ideological purposes.
The article mentions his video*, and if you watch the entire thing, it's obvious that he's not talking about Democrats or Republicans - he's talking about people and the struggles that they are going through.
The partisan pundits and politicians will cherry-pick comments that align with their ideology in order to say, "See! See! I'm right and you're wrong!" without realizing that his message is against them and the system that seems to forget about the large number of the people in it.
"It's aggravating seeing people on conservative news try to identify with me like I'm one of them. It's aggravating seeing certain musicians and politicians act like we're buddies and act like we're fighting the same struggle here."
"I do feel compelled to address something since I have addressed the conservatives, I do need to address the left as well because they're sending a message out that that initial song (Rich men North of Richmond) is an attack against the poor (or is racist, about Qanon, etc.)."
"I hate to see that song being weaponized like I see the right trying to characterize me as one of their own and I see the left trying to discredit me, I guess in retaliation. This isn't a Republican and Democrat thing. This isn't even a United States thing. This has been a global response and don't let anybody tell you otherwise."
I think his comments in another interview sum up his view nicely - “I mean, we are the melting pot of the world,” Mr Anthony told the interviewer, “and that’s what makes us strong, is our diversity, and we need to learn to harness that and appreciate it, and not use it as a political tool to keep everyone separate from each other you know?”
If you want to pigeon-hole Oliver into a group, he's a straight down the line independent. There are extremes on both sides with negative views of him because he's not "partisan enough" for them. Meanwhile 42 million (and still climbing) individuals find the message resonating with them, regardless of their party affiliation.
Yeah, I like Oliver Anthony.
If you look beyond the articles and the left vs right statements coming from the media and politicians, he's authentic. I don't agree with everything he says, but he obviously is not doing it for ideological purposes.
The article mentions his video*, and if you watch the entire thing, it's obvious that he's not talking about Democrats or Republicans - he's talking about people and the struggles that they are going through.
The partisan pundits and politicians will cherry-pick comments that align with their ideology in order to say, "See! See! I'm right and you're wrong!" without realizing that his message is against them and the system that seems to forget about the large number of the people in it.
"It's aggravating seeing people on conservative news try to identify with me like I'm one of them. It's aggravating seeing certain musicians and politicians act like we're buddies and act like we're fighting the same struggle here."
"I do feel compelled to address something since I have addressed the conservatives, I do need to address the left as well because they're sending a message out that that initial song (Rich men North of Richmond) is an attack against the poor (or is racist, about Qanon, etc.)."
"I hate to see that song being weaponized like I see the right trying to characterize me as one of their own and I see the left trying to discredit me, I guess in retaliation. This isn't a Republican and Democrat thing. This isn't even a United States thing. This has been a global response and don't let anybody tell you otherwise."
I think his comments in another interview sum up his view nicely - “I mean, we are the melting pot of the world,” Mr Anthony told the interviewer, “and that’s what makes us strong, is our diversity, and we need to learn to harness that and appreciate it, and not use it as a political tool to keep everyone separate from each other you know?”
If you want to pigeon-hole Oliver into a group, he's a straight down the line independent. There are extremes on both sides with negative views of him because he's not "partisan enough" for them. Meanwhile 42 million (and still climbing) individuals find the message resonating with them, regardless of their party affiliation.
Yeah, I like Oliver Anthony.
LTC Trent Klug
I hope he's authentic, I really do. The song skewers DC's elected inhabitants.
I didn't watch the debate, but I do find it funny this was played. But then politicians are prone to thinking criticism about them is directed at 'them politicians over there'.
I didn't watch the debate, but I do find it funny this was played. But then politicians are prone to thinking criticism about them is directed at 'them politicians over there'.
Good article. Sounds like he is singing about issues of concern to all. And like people recognize he has a powerful voice, literally, his passion, and figuratively, his messages.
Listened to both "Rich Men North of Richmond" and "I Want To Go Home"
Listened to both "Rich Men North of Richmond" and "I Want To Go Home"
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