Posted on Feb 28, 2017
Pelosi: Why Yes–We're Looking At Ways To Impeach Trump
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 20
This is from the same mouth that said we have to pass the bill to find out what is in it or that natural gas is a viable alternative to fossil fuels...diarrhea of the mouth all the time...she would be better to just go home...I really think she has dementia...seriously. She actually got up out of her seat on the floor and walked across during a debate and shook her finger in the face of the person who had the floor...woman is crazy.
The MINORITY Leader is certifiable. Unless, her like minded sycophants plan a coup of the MAJORITY.
It's not your grandfather's Democrat Party anymore. In fact, it's not even your father's party anymore. With the powerful Democratic Party Platform Committee featuring a number of prominent socialists and communists, the Democrat Party's draft platform has moved further toward full-blown extremism and totalitarianism than ever before. Indeed, the proposed platform now includes an unprecedented array of extreme anti-constitutional proposals practically guaranteed to alienate mainstream Americans — at least if the public finds out.
CPT Jack Durish
I first registered as a Democrat but never as a Leftist. I was always a classical Liberal, but never a modern liberal. I'm not a Republican because they're Liberal or Conservative or even Right. I register as a Republican because they are not Democrat.
SSgt Gary Andrews
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any place for a "moderate" to go anymore. The GOP has been pulled to the extreme right, even kicking out moderates during the primary process that had served long and served well. The Dems have been pulled hard to the left, turning their nose up at moderates as well. Compromise is a dirty word in both parties. Hard to see how we make any progress in our current political framework.
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