Posted on Oct 18, 2016
Poll: Millennials more open to idea of slavery reparations
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
So as a "white" American I "owe" somebody something because of the color of my skin??? The first Chavaree entered the USA in THIS centry (from Canada), and my mothers side is Native American....
LCpl Hilton Hoskins
SGT Alan Dike - The only Reparations Black people want is to be treated fairly and judged equally that's it. We're not looking for somebody to give us material possessions, we could get that on our own. We want to be judged the same way White people are judged simple as that.
LCpl Hilton Hoskins
SGT Alan Dike - Let me ask you something and be honest, when you go places do women grab their purses or do you get stared at like somebody thinks you're gonna steal something or commit some other crime?
SGT Alan Dike
LCpl Hilton Hoskins - 1.. this would be the first instance I have ever head the word reparations used to reference non material goods. 2.. I have been followed around stores like I was going to shoplift something, been accused of stealing when I wasn't, was once jumped and told to go home because I did t belong there (roughly a block from my house ironically). Yeah, I've been pulled over for bs reasons like "a loud muffler" and had my car and person searched for drugs. I've had folks shout derogatory things from across the street at me. I've had kids my own age follow me for blocks just to mock me and try to goad me I to a 1 on 4 fight. You mean stuff like that? Yeah, I think I can relate. Cept I'm white, so I guess it wasn't racism...
Oh I'm sure there's a special place for liberals with no brains..... can't seem to remember where though. My family came to this country after slavery ended. Both sides. I'm sure there are people from America that joined my family since then but not many. I do not feel responsible for anyone having ever been a slave. You know the Irish were treated just as poorly. You don't see us asking for handouts.
PO2 Kristy Williams
I did thank you and they both start out with titles that make it sound like we believe in fairy tales and it's all made up. How about you don't accuse people you don't know of ridiculous things.
PFC Harry Leuchen
PO2 Kristy Williams -
This article from the HISTORY CHANNEL talks about the fact that "irish slavery" is a complete lie
This article from the HISTORY CHANNEL talks about the fact that "irish slavery" is a complete lie

5 Myths About Slavery - History Lists
Find out the truth behind five common myths or misunderstandings about slavery in the United States.
PFC Harry Leuchen
Aamer Rahman (Fear of a Brown Planet) - Reverse Racism Twitter: @aamer_rahman Bookings:
PO2 Kristy Williams -
And this man eloquently explains why there is no such thing as "racism against whites"
And this man eloquently explains why there is no such thing as "racism against whites"
PO2 Kristy Williams
Wow. I'm not going to continue any more conversations with you. Goodnight. You're clearly under some misguided intentions.
So, older white citizens aren't part of diversity?
This sounds like a trolling expedition by an unverified PFC.
This sounds like a trolling expedition by an unverified PFC.
SGT David Baker
This ol' honky's ancestors who had anything to do with slavery went to war to end it. Doesn't matter whether that was what Lincoln wanted to do in 1861; my ancestors volunteered, specifically, to fulfill their abolitionist beliefs
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