Posted on Nov 23, 2021
Poll: Troops smoked for minor offenses happy that Air Force got off for killing kids
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
It's important to make a distinction, here. Troops "smoked" for minor offenses did those offenses willingly, knowing that what they were doing was wrong. (Now, I will have some truck about an AR15 for a "Brandon..." image on social media.)
As far as Air Force leaders who got off scot-free for blowing up a bunch of Afghan kids, let's look at the chain of events. What you start off with is a perceived threat. In some cases, the perception is very far off reality. Nonetheless, somebody identified a threat and called on resources to neutralize it. The operators of the weapon system involved did their job, and delivered ordinance to the designated location; very likely without that ordinance seriously affecting much that was outside of the designated target area.
The important question is this: Who gave the AF Leadership the idea that this was a threat? AF Leadership generally does not go about killing innocent people; far from it! I don't know of anybody who would willing do anything like that.
That leaves one, and only one source of information that would lead to the deaths of innocent people. That's the adversary. We all know of numerous adversaries, those in Afghanistan in particular, who would gleefully put innocent lives at risk in order to attain some kind of objective.
So, let's stop blaming ourselves. Let's start blaming the truly guilty party, the adversaries in the conflict. They don't care a hill of beans who they get killed, and if it's children we know all too well that they will actually delight in it.
We don't kill innocent people; our adversaries kill innocent people. That's why they're adversaries.
As far as Air Force leaders who got off scot-free for blowing up a bunch of Afghan kids, let's look at the chain of events. What you start off with is a perceived threat. In some cases, the perception is very far off reality. Nonetheless, somebody identified a threat and called on resources to neutralize it. The operators of the weapon system involved did their job, and delivered ordinance to the designated location; very likely without that ordinance seriously affecting much that was outside of the designated target area.
The important question is this: Who gave the AF Leadership the idea that this was a threat? AF Leadership generally does not go about killing innocent people; far from it! I don't know of anybody who would willing do anything like that.
That leaves one, and only one source of information that would lead to the deaths of innocent people. That's the adversary. We all know of numerous adversaries, those in Afghanistan in particular, who would gleefully put innocent lives at risk in order to attain some kind of objective.
So, let's stop blaming ourselves. Let's start blaming the truly guilty party, the adversaries in the conflict. They don't care a hill of beans who they get killed, and if it's children we know all too well that they will actually delight in it.
We don't kill innocent people; our adversaries kill innocent people. That's why they're adversaries.
Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis
Oh. Ah. Umm...okay.
Sorry for seeming to fly off the handle. This is kind of a hot-button issue with me.
Sorry for seeming to fly off the handle. This is kind of a hot-button issue with me.
SGT Steve McFarland
Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis Yes, regardless of who f-d up, there is no excuse for killing innocents, particularly children.
Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis
Agreed, there is no excuse for killing innocents, particularly children. Let's just make sure we vilify the proper people. That would be our adversaries. Those are the folks who make it look like a target that had children in it would be an acceptable target.
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