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Responses: 2
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Interesting video, thank you.
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PO3 Phyllis Maynard
Diplomatic reach, firepower, finances, morality, these are the assets the presenter is saying makes us the world leader needed to forge ahead in the forefront against oppression. LCpl Cody Collins what are your thoughts? I am cautious of flattery and puffed-up promotions don't support the standing facts. I will comment on one of the four characteristics mentioned. Where is all of this money we have, if the federal government is threatening another shut down and the news is reporting that President Trump has said "if we can't get this stuff straight then we need a shutdow". The military is slated to not be paid. I feel PragerU is playing on US arrogance.
LCpl Cody Collins
LCpl Cody Collins
7 y
Then I guess you haven't been following the latest news reports.
There will be no shutdown. For once the Senate Republicans and democrats have agreed to a 2 year budget.
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
7 y
I will certainly have to complain to Spectrum Cable News that their story 2 days ago is outdated. However, the fact remains our treasury notes are funny money (their is not enough gold to make the notes legit and we are trillions of dollars in debt. We owe China a lit of money. My point is self propaganda is not going to solve problems whether it comes from conservatives or liberals.
LCpl Cody Collins
LCpl Cody Collins
7 y
You are correct on both points. All that started long before the current administration came into office. One Day soon, we all will wake up and find 20% to 50% of our savings, 401k's and and any other cash holdings gone. That's what happened to Greece, now they are a Indentured nation. So stock up on the 3-B's . Beans, Band-aids and Bullets. And establish a relationship with Jesus Christ, because when those in charge have taken everything else away from you, that's all you will have left is your Faith.
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