The Blaze, we know it's the right wing. So what? The Blaze has important people like Glenn Beck and Candace Owens. Glenn Beck has been on CNN, then Fox and then moved on TheBlaze. We can say that Glenn Beck is one of the few sober reporters that are not classic alcoholics like he used to be.
I suspect many of these opinion piece Progressive Network Talking Heads are closet alcoholics especially with the rants of divisiveness and everything is of racism or white supremacy.
This is not really an opinion piece because the Democrat in question opened up her mouth and made stupid statements because she didn't fact check the Source before making herself look stupid on Twitter.
We should have all entry-level Congress people take basic economics and finance so they don't make stupid assumptions like this and automatically want the tax the hell out of everybody. The Democrats of today are not the Democrats of Bill Clinton second term. They don't know the first thing about economics and finance. Taxing the rich will just have them move away and will result in loss of jobs and decreased Revenue at the Internal Revenue Service. People just don't understand.
I was international business major in college and took lots of finance and economics. AOC is one of those people who has a degree in economics not just a few semesters of it yet she is a Manchurian Candidate and is totally off the deep end and rejected all the economics She learned at Boston University and Boston Arts and Sciences College.
Fun fun fact, the Biden Putin inflation rate of 9% means that prices will double in eight years. That is the finans rule of 72. If we have 10% inflation oh, that means that we will have the doubling of prices in about 7 years. Also Rule of 72 some people use rule of 70 but that's close enough.