Here's a "Nifty Nugget" of Air & Space Safety History in recognition of 332d Air Expeditionary Wing Warrior of the Week and Command Post Controller Sergeant Calhoun, whose primary duties during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) included mission monitoring, emergency actions messaging, base-wide alerting and aircrew management.
World War II, the Berlin Blockade, the Korean War and the Vietnam War all demonstrated the US' need to logisticate a transportation system for national security. Dispatched by a 24/7 Watch Team of Command Post Controllers from within the Pentagon's National Military Command Center, the US Air & Space Force does the heavy lifting of global logistics for regional Combatant Commanders via the US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM). USTRANSCOM logisticates this transportation system in the form of full-spectrum global mobility solutions such as Crew Resource Management (CRM), a term coined in 1979 by NASA psychologist John Lauber.
628th Air Base Wing Command Post. (2010, May 19). Warrior of the Week: Staff Sgt. Jared Calhoun. Retrieved from (2018, Apr 30). DoD Requirements of Crew Resource Management: "Is It In There?" Retrieved'is%20it%20in%20there'.pdf?ver=2018-04-30-161617-740Crew Resource Management. (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Nifty Nugget. Retrieved from, P.L. (1998, Mar. 30). A Review of the Managerial Grid Model of Leadership and its Role as a Model of Leadership Culture. Retrieved from (n.d.). Crew Resource Management. Retrieved from Transportation Command. (n.d.). Retrieved from