Do you want to improve your relationships and increase productivity at work? The power of just saying, "Thank you." Who have you said "Thank You" to today and why? Is there someone else you can thank today? Go ahead an start "Thank You" bombing today!
"In this deceptively simple 3-minute talk, Dr. Laura Trice muses on the power of the magic words "thank you" — to deepen a friendship, to repair a bond, to make sure another person knows what they mean to you. Try it."
"Researchers Adam M. Grant and Francesco Gino studied the impact of a sincere ‘Thank You’ in the workplace. Their findings show a 50 percent increase in the amount of additional help being offered as a result of the appreciation. Folks, that’s HUGE.
In a related experiment by the same researchers, the Director of an organization personally thanked half the staff for their contribution to the company. The result? A 50% increase in sales calls the following week from the half who had been shown gratitude. Talk about impacting the bottom line at zero net cost."
"The University of Georgia recently conducted a survey on the subject of marital happiness. This statement was included in their findings:
“We found that feeling appreciated and believing that your spouse values you directly influences how you feel about your marriage, how committed you are to it, and your belief that it will last.”
The benefits of saying "Thank You"
Lots of things happen when we sincerely thank someone. First, the obvious, you feel good about yourself for having manners and being polite. But it goes much, much deeper than that for both of you:
The Thanker
•Produces positive emotional state
•Increases sense of well being
•Triggers ‘feel good’ hormones
•Re-enforces virtuous cycle in your brain
The Thankee
•Feels higher levels of self worth
•Triggers greater desire to help Thanker
•Triggers helpful behaviors toward others
•Appreciate being needed
•Feel more socially valued