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Responses: 4
MAJ Byron Oyler
It is not a Republican loss, it is what the people wanted and voted for. This is how it should be and Roe V. Wade violated the 10th Amendment in loosely in favor of the 14th. When SCOTUS overturned R V W, this is exactly what they had in mind, giving a states right back to the states.
LTC Lance Headrick
LTC Lance Headrick
>1 y
States Rights...the way it should be. Agreed.
MAJ Keith FitzPatrick, CPIM, CSCP
MAJ Keith FitzPatrick, CPIM, CSCP
>1 y
Remember when Republicans claimed that states should be able to make decisions? As soon as states, even conservative states, started to pass constitutional amendment to protect the right to chose, the Republicans started to push for a national ban. In Michigan, where 60% of voters supported a constitutional amendment to protect the right to chose, Republicans are suing the state saying a constitutional amendment is unconstitutional. In Ohio, where 60% of voters just supported a constitutional amendment, the Republicans vowed to stop the amendment from going into effect. The Republicans pretended they were supporting states rights, but when the states didn't vote the way they expected, they've decided that the states shouldn't have the right to decide the issue. This is not the Republican Party I supported in my youth. They've became the party of "how can I hurt the people who don't agree with me."
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
>1 y
MAJ Keith FitzPatrick, CPIM, CSCP - Please read what Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin wrote below as it is spot on to this subject.
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Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Let's add some perspective without the sugar coating. Abortion when it comes to the two parties is generally looked at in the extremes. It's either banned or allowed up to full term depending on which party you align to. At least, that is what the media and politicians basically tell us all. You're a Republican so you want to ban abortions... Period (some would even go so far as to say all contraceptives too). Conversely, you're a Democrat so you want abortions legal all the way to term (and some would go so far as to say even after they're born). Now before you try to qualify those positions for one side, allow me to do so. A large majority of Americans, many who align with GOP and DNC, are ok with an in between ruling (i.e. so many weeks and special considerations for the mother and manner in which they became pregnant). Officially both the GOP and DNC will never qualify that line in the sand, so essentially, they both continue to be counted as the extreme on either end.

So, with that said, what does this ruling mean? Did the Democrats win? Sure, in that abortions cannot be made completely illegal, but is it where the DNC ultimately wants to be? No one knows because as far as we're all concerned, they want all abortions legal, regardless of the stage of the pregnancy. Did this ruling allow for that? No. "The passage of the ballot measure Issue 1, Ohio will be prevented from restricting abortion access before fetal viability, which doctors believe to be around 22 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. After viability, the state can restrict abortion access unless the patient’s life or health are at risk." So essentially abortions can still be illegal past 22-24 weeks in Ohio and while that exceeds some of the limits some of the more moderate GOP positions have pushed, it still is in fact a line. VA's is similar to OH too. This is what annoys me with politics, is that some issues are looked at only from the extremes (yes/no) rather than some middle ground, and neither party really wants to officially suggest a middle ground line in order to retain those voters who remain on the extreme side of the issue.

With regards to Roe vs Wade, which Democrats are trying to claim this ruling helps codify, again, it hasn't really if their position is to legalize all abortions at any stage. But my beef with Roe vs Wade wasn't center on being able to ban abortions (my position on abortion is irrelevant in this discussion), but more so on fixing a bad ruling over 50 years ago. Now if the Democrats want to push for a nation-wide vote on legalizing all abortions regardless of stage, I doubt they will succeed. This is not what most Americans want. Nor do most want it banned completely. So as far as I'm concerned, no one really wins with regards to the parties. And to be perfectly honest, abortion is the least of concerns this country has right now.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
>1 y
Well said.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Eugene Chu Embracing Christian Nationalism (Fascism) has a Cost! Denying Women Healthcare has a Cost!
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
>1 y
Yep it has an earthly cost...but when I am face to face with God I won't have to answer for not standing with Him!
LTC Lance Headrick
LTC Lance Headrick
>1 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth Funny. While I agree whole heartedly. Not sure it does any good to have a discussion on social media with directly opposing views. It is unlikely to change anything.

If you had the chace in person then I am all for it. No point in provoking them to wrath...seriously. Anyone that conflates Christianity with Facism will not likely have a civil discourse with you....just saying.
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