Posted on Jan 17, 2021
Republicans Wonder How, And If, They Can Pull The Party Back Together
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
I asked a question similar to this and some the answers I got stated that it was more than likely that the old GOP was dead and factions of what others idealize the GOP to be will formed i.e. Libertarians, Trumpists, The Tea Party, and the old guard Conservatives. It will be hard, if nigh impossible, for the GOP as a whole to return to its lockstep messaging and support that it has enjoyed in the past. The GOP has changed, IMHO, and not in a beneficial way.
SPC Les Darbison
SSG Michael Hartsfield - If being pro America, pro individual freedoms, pro constitution pro smaller Government. Means I'm in lock step I'm marching with the right group of Ppl. Who took their oath of enlistment to hart. The ppl of Tiwani protested carrying American flags! The only flag ppl see as representing freedom from oppression. Yet your party wants to punish Ppl thinking for them-selves who don't embraces Globalization. Do you really think the world will be a better place with-out a strong and free America. Just think about the world with-out that strong free America. slavery would have lasted into the 1900 hrds the Democrats would still in stall the Jim Crow laws. Europe would have fallen in WW1 Japan would control all of Asia. Totalitarian leaderships would have enslaved everyone into honey bees just working for the collective with no free thought , and bread lines where the few tell the masses what to do!
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SPC Les Darbison - You are speaking in nostalgic terms. You aren't speaking or acknowledging that the GOP of today is as far from all of the anti-slavery and anti-totalitarianism platitudes you reminisced on as I am from being Christian (I'm Wiccan, just so you know). Also, no one is "punishing" you for being a part of the global economy. Do you have a smart phone? Are you on the internet? Have you ever bought anything online or from Walmart? Congratulations. You've BEEN a part of globalization. The only people that want you to think you're being punished are those same people that are suckering you out of you money by begging for contributions and think that America should be stuck in the 50s. Also, in case you haven't been looking outside as of late, many Americans ARE in those same bread lines you just derided due to the unparalleled levels of laziness from its about to be former president.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SPC Les Darbison Ugh. That tired narrative? Really? Most undocumented immigrants were here on visas that expired. They didn't "sneak in." Or add onto people who were living on land in the southwest that was stolen by the US.
What is the US the "best" at? What are we #1 at?
What is the US the "best" at? What are we #1 at?
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