Posted on May 5, 2016
Romanian hacker Guccifer: I breached Clinton server, 'it was easy' | Fox News
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Part of the vast right-wing conspiracy, which stretches all the way to Eastern Europe and back now. Every intelligent person knows that the Clintons are both people of rare integrity, who have never done anything wrong. At least that's what the progressive elites are telling me, and who am I to question them?
No problem there.....She had nothing on it of importance.........! Yup anything can be hacked....Anything
1SG James A. "Bud" Parker
Electronic data can be hacked, especially if you intentionally go to some considerable amount of trouble to circumnavigate the existing security systems that already exist to prevent such action. For the Secretary of State to take such a course of action illustrates one of two possibilities; 1. She does not have the common sense necessary for the position, or, 2. She intentionally compromised security.
Members on this site should full well understand information and data security requirements. If an O6 had taken such action to circumnavigate existing National Security systems what do you suppose would happen? Trial and imprisonment? 20 years?
Members on this site should full well understand information and data security requirements. If an O6 had taken such action to circumnavigate existing National Security systems what do you suppose would happen? Trial and imprisonment? 20 years?
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