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Responses: 3
Cpl Vic Burk
SFC (Join to see) He knows he most likely will not win the Republican nomination so maybe he is endorsing Trump in hopes of running as his Vice President.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
5 mo
Maybe. I personally believe there are better places in the Administration for him to serve. He has many talents.
LTC John Mohor
LTC John Mohor
5 mo
I think he’s saving his future in politics. Florida will hopefully benefit from him completing his term as Governor
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Maj William Mitchell
Smartest thing he desantis could have done at this point.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
5 mo
He looked at the data objectively and decided what is best for the Country. He is a good person. It is time to heal. Progressive Democrats and Republicans just don't know how to do that.
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Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
I still maintain that DeSantis would have made a better president and I hope that someday he will. In this case, he rightfully made the choice to pick his battle. Trump undoubtedly has a more loyal base and a lot more momentum. Regardless, I am pragmatic enough to realize that I too must accept the card I've been dealt with. So going forward, the main reason I don't have a problem voting for Trump is in part his effectiveness as President, but also because of the unprecedented types of attacks, unwarranted hatred, and inconsistent application of the law, all levied against him. Those who pushed false/exaggerated rhetoric or accepted the many inconsistent applications of the law have essentially emboldened me and many others who were not excited about Trump, to stand with him in large part because of what they're trying to do to him. I don't want to see more of this behavior become accepted and normalized.

Meanwhile, Biden has proven to me and hopefully a majority of Americans that he is the worst president this country has ever endured. I fully believe Trump will easily defeat him, but I am still waiting for the Democrats to pull out yet another ace from their sleeve. It will either be yet another false or highly over-exaggerated allegation, another inconsistent application of the law by a biased judge, or some last-minute change in the Democrat primaries through some obscure rule or the super candidates.

What the Democrat strategists did not consider from most of those who preferred another GOP candidates, is that few if any of us like what we see being done to Trump. Each time the pundits and their followers repeat, build on, or come up with more lies, exaggerations, or hypocritical rhetoric, they draw me more to Trump. I spent over 7 years on this site constantly trying to make it clear I did not want Trump to be President in the first place and yet found myself having to defend the BS that gets repeated here about him. After the last election, I couldn't help but be suspicious that something smelled rotten, to see Trump lose after earning far more votes than he did against Clinton (and she was a far more desirable candidate to Democrats than Biden ever was). However, like DeSantis, I too can pick my battles. It could not be proven definitely that there were a lot of election irregularities, as COVID was effectively used to hide what was going on behind the scenes. We can only learn the lessons and make sure they are not repeated.

This army of eager Trump supporters had better be prepared for anything. They had better be organized to not only get people to vote, but to also make sure we have unbiased observers (lawyers, poll watchers, etc), with the absolute authority to call the balls, strikes, and most of all, the cheating.
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
5 mo
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin Well said, Major.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
5 mo
What do we do in a Country where a political party and elites will use "unprecedented types of attacks, unwarranted hatred, and inconsistent application of the law" to jail their political opponents? If people can't unite against these actions, well then they can't unite against anything. The truly scary thing is our mainstream media news outlets have been infiltrated and are going along with this lawlessness in addition with some activist judges who are only too willing to make law from the bench.

The last time the world has seen anything comparable to this is in the 1930’s when the Brownshirts propelled their candidate to victory. This is no rhetoric looking at actions that have taken place over the last 8 years.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
5 mo
Here's the thing... All of what the other party is doing is allowing their hatred, desperation, and deceptive / possibly illegal activity to rear its head for all Americans to see. Those Americans don't like it and while some might not be inclined to vote for Trump, many more are finding themselves unable to vote for Biden either. So, they will either not vote, vote third party, or decide pragmatically that Trump is the best of the two options. This is how we should win by the way; by undeniably showing the American people the "man behind the curtain." Look at what Democrat and Progressive leaders want to do... Censor information, ridicule, and cancel the things that make America great (and those who wish for it), and prevent their opponents from even running for office. All while they attempt to claim Trump and the GOP is trying to become an authoritarian government? They are the ones demonstrating those activities, not the GOP and not Trump. Cast a light on it! Yes, much of this resembles many of the tactics taken in Germany, strong arming the opposition with violence and hatred. However, they are in fact different in many ways too. Uncomfortable as it may seem, one could draw parallels on both sides to accuse the other of similar activity, which is why we must be careful drawing those conclusions as the act of finger pointing can lead to what happened in Germany too. That's why I say shine the light on the activity and make sure it is undeniable what some are doing to harm this country. Push for a nationalist sense amongst Americans, but not so much that we take it to an extreme or that we ignore how we can make things better by shutting ourselves out from the rest of the world. Most of all, never take things for granted and/or end our vigilance for Freedom. There are people on the extremes that want nothing more than to normalize their behavior and tire us out.
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