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Responses: 4
Maj John Bell
Edited 5 y ago
She sees a conflation that is not there. If I see a protestor, do I not have a right to disagree with them, and voice my opinion. Her example, the NFL kneelers, was never a "religious issue" for either side. And even if it was, people of faith have the same right to criticize public behavior as anyone else.

_Some people knelt because they wanted to bring attention to a perceived (real or imagined) difference between how minorities (primarily blacks and latinos) are treated by police and the criminal justice system. I think you'd have to be a fool to NOT acknowledge there is a difference.
_To the best of my knowledge, the people pissed off by the kneelers, weren't primarily pissed because of the kneelers opinions. They were pissed because they thought it was the wrong way to air the grievance.
_I don't have a dog in the hunt. I haven't watched a minute of NFL football for more than 40 years. But in general, when I pay for entertainment; I could not give a damn about the entertainer's political or social justice cause of the day. I don't care if we agree or disagree. STFU and entertain me. If you want to protest go ahead, but give me my money back and pay me for wasting my time.

See, no religion about it. Stop trying to make me and my faith a boogie man. Honestly, I promise seeing a cross or a Bible doesn't cause spontaneous atheist combustion.
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SSG Dale London
Edited 5 y ago
I listened to this and must confess that I agree with precisely nothing this young lady has to say.
What a lazy waster of my time. She doesn't even bother to get her historical facts right.
In criticizing the "Christian Right" for coopting the term "patriotism" -- a charge which I reject completely, by the way -- she is, in fact, doing exactly that for the Athiest left.
The way she frames "true freedom," when developed according to her ideology does not equal freedom of religion -- it means no religion at all, no diversity of opinion at all, no freedom from oppression, no freedom of thought. It plays out as a fascist controlling oligarchy that claims the mantle of moral superiority.
A quick side note: Fascism, despite what the left is trying to say these days -- was and remains a leftist ideology. The term "Nazi" was short for "The German National Socialist Worker's Party," and the Nazi's of the 30's and 40's employed exactly the same tactics, in pursuit of nearly identical goals, as the liberal left of today. And they both started by reframing the meaning of words in common use.
This kind of Socialist reframing of language is divisve, intellectually dishonest and, to be frank, rather insulting, and it is exactly what Saul Alinsky was propounding in his "Rules for Radicals."
What Sarah Levin is doing here is called the "Straw-Man Argument" where she creates a problem from whole cloth as a target to prove her point. The only problem is that what she is attacking has no existence in the real world.
Nobody is claiming that patriotism is a Christian Right issue; nobody but the Liberal left, that is. Patriotism is an issue of civic responsibility and good citizenship. Ms Levin is, by the use of her argument, engaging in a full-force attempt to co-opt the term for the Athiest Left anyway by gaslighting the Right. The ugliest part of this is that many people today cannot see that what she is doing is committing exactly what she is accusing her opponents of while they remain innocent. It is a narcisistic trait that depends on an emotional response rather than a rational one and which eschews fact for feeling. It does not matter to her that what she is accusing the right of is a lie. The lie suits her purpose and is, therefore, justified in her eyes.
When the American youth were a little less indoctrinated by liberal education and could think critically, they would have been able to call this what it is: subversion.
She attacks phantoms and claims victory but in truth what she is doing is poisoning the well for everybody who comes after.
In my opinion, this clip has no place on a veteran/service blog site. It is filth of the most vile kind because it disguises itself in a cloak of political correctness that, if left unchallenged, will destroy our country.
One last point: it is NOT patriotic to attack our government. Patriotism is having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one's country. How is attacking something an expression of devotion? It isn't. But, as I said earlier, they start by reframing the language.
My opinion of this video: garbage.
SSG Dale London
SSG Dale London
5 y
MSG Gomez, you will no doubt note that I specified the Athiest LEFT. I do not condone attacks and do not consider my post above to be one but, rather, a defense. I do not know what is in Sarah Levin's heart but I could hear what came out of her mouth and it was the same kind of rhetoric the Jews heard in Nazi Germany just before they were relegated to second class citizens -- and we all know where that led.
Do you honestly think there is an even playing field in this country with regard to the left-right divide? The left is a highly favored and privileged class that receives little to no push-back from the media -- but what do you expect when all six of the mainstream media networks are aligned politically?
Leftists do not get to play the victim until they, like conservatives, are hounded out of restaraunts, and assaulted in the streets the way conservatives are these days. Walk down the street wearing a Vagina hat and you're hailed as a hero. Do the same wearing a MAGA hat and you are a white supremacist, racist, homophobic hate monger, hounded from the public square and vilified by the mainstream media through lies, innuendo and gaslighting.
Filthy Republican posts? Indeed. Shall we take a tally of hate? Real hate? How many Republicans had photos taken of themselves holding up Obama's severed head in effigy and published them nationally? How many replublicans swore they would move to another country if Obama was elected (and then stayed anyway)? How many republicans re-wrote Shakespeare as an attack on Obama? How many republicans attempted a coup against a sitting democrat president? I could literally go on and on and on but I think I've made my point.
If you believe what Sarah Levin says in this video is true then you are welcome to your view but be aware that I see things quite differently. I KNOW what socialism is. I KNOW what communism is. And I KNOW that neither of these ideologies is compatible with a constitutional republic.
I swore an oath to the God that Sarah Levin says does not exist that I would support and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies. What this video propounds and what Sarah Levin stands for is a direct threat to our form of government as specified in that Constitution -- a document, by the way, which you also swore to defend.
This is not about left and right, per se, but, rather about being woke enough to spot a rat when you stumble over one. In this context and by this analogy, Sarah Levin is that rat. I am calling it like I see it. You can block me if you like (I see that you already have). But you will not take my voice the way she wants to... at least, not without a fight from me!
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
5 y
SSG Dale London - What a load of bullshit, but thank you for proving Ms. Levin's point.
SSG Dale London
SSG Dale London
5 y
For the record, I was speaking about the video posted and not the people posting it. Neither Capt Prickett nor MSG Gomez were the target of my ire and I have not blocked either of them. This is not true of them. MSG Gomez has blocked me but did so without making it personal. I can respect that. He does not want to hear what I have to say and that is cool.
Capt Prickett on the other hand went personal before blocking me. This I do not respect and, were it not for my good manners, I might have something more to say about it.
All I will say is this: you need to have facts on your side for a mic drop to work.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
3 y
Wow. That’s a substantial amount of wrong packed into one comment. It’s like…extra strength concentrated wrong.
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