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Responses: 4
Cpl Jeff N.
Great "news" source. A late night comedy skit reader. He really helped illuminate this story, or not.

A Saudi citizen appears to have been murdered in Turkey at the Saudi consulate by Saudi's. The facts certainly are not known now. How is this a Trump issue exactly? Your comment "our great leader in action" seems to indicate you think we should be doing something else at this moment? So if we find out the Saudi's had this guy killed, what next. Are we going into Saudi Arabia with guns a blazing over them killing one of their citizens in Turkey? I hope not.

We are doing what we should. We are applying pressure to get to the truth. The President has spoken to the King of S.A. and dispatched his Sec of State to S.A. I think we are even providing US resources to help Turkey officials with the investigation.

What else would you have us do. S.A. has been an ally for many years across many administrations. The left is now acting like somehow S.A. is a new ally Trump brought to the table.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
6 y
SGT Frank p Jourige jr - You mean the ones that volunteered for the job at an ad-hoc consulate with a high CIA presence? Do you know what they tell you when you take those sorts of jobs? Do you feel all people doing covert operations need (or want) to be rescued like a damsel in distress?
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
6 y
SGT Frank p Jourige jr - My my, that was a saucy comeback. Now let the adults talk.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
6 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - Refuting a source is not attacking the source. You need to brush up on your logical fallacy arguments or go get your money back for the semester you spent on the class. It was clearly wasted money.

He IS a Saudi citizen, his children are not relevant in the matter nor is his occupation as a some time writer for the WAPO. Part of the problem with over emotional people like you is you never take time to think these stories through and try to apply any sort of real thought to it. You are simply too busy getting your knickers in a swivet.

A few questions for you there Steve. If the Saudis are going in to kill this guy, why send 15 guys in to do it? It would never take that many and why on God's green earth would you have him come to your consulate to do the deed? If your goal was to kill him wouldn't you just send in one guy, maybe two. to follow him, find a good place to kill him, make it look like an accident of a crime and then leave? Why have him come to your consulate with cameras all over the place and kill him in your own building if killing him was your goal? There are too many, way too many better ways to kill a guy like him. He is a journalist who probably couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.

You don't consider things because your kneejerk reaction if Trump bad. He must have had the Saudis do this (for some reason). It is the lowest form of thinking. You arrive at a conclusion then try to jam the facts in to fit it.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
6 y
Cpl Jeff N. - Jeff, I see you are not a big enough person to just admit when you are wrong. You didn't "refute" anything. There was not a single statement from the source that you showed to be incorrect. What you did was attack the sources' credibility, first for being a comedian, and second for a record of locking up journalists, none of which were the journalist that is at the center of the conversation.

You then denied making an ad hominem attack. You then went on trying to justify the ad hominem attack that you claimed you were not making. And then, to top it off, you followed up with speculation about the best way to murder a journalist.

To your credit, you are everything I have come to expect from a Trump supporter.
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LTC Self Employed
Maybe it is blocked in Canada.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
6 y
Interesting. I am currently out of the country, so that may have something to do with it as well. Also, YouTube recently experienced some connectivity issues. Thanks for the heads up.

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LTC Self Employed
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