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Responses: 3
SGT Joseph Gunderson
If your government is ever at risk or threatens to "shut down", it's probably past time to realize it is broken and requires some real overhaul insofar as the people running it. This behemoth has become so damned fat, filled with random cancerous blobs of alphabet offices and bloated staffs, all consuming billions, trillio s of dollars each year, and for what? Most of the work performed by the federal government is so inconsequential that it goes completely unnoticed. Even when the government does shut down, it goes completely unnoticed outside of the media screaming to the heavens about it. Congress needs their budgets slashed, the executive needs to gut or dismantle a litany of moronic and unnecessary offices, and the entirety of the federal government needs to shrink, leaving the real work to the states.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
3 y
Well said.
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SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. They still have checks left, they must have the money to back them up. This tactic, by Congress, has become so common now that I don't experience the fear of it happening, as I did earlier on.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
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PFC David Foster
Oh good, the order came down to kick start the printing press where thy print money. I think it said they are going to print a few hundred billion to keep the ball rolling for a couple more weeks while they kick it around a bit more... Congress wants everyone to know that they are being taken very good care of during this agonizing time when they have to show up at the office for a few hours a day... They all miss their 11 months a year vacation, but believe they will get through this.
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