Posted on Jan 3, 2018
‘Sickened by the silence’: Western progressives accused of staying mute about Iran protests
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 7
LTC (Join to see) Of Course Liberals and Progressive are quietly "Celebrating" and Wish We Could be More "Vocal" Unfortunately, We are Very Knowledgeable about "Ajax" and how the Powers that Be can Easily Spin this as Ajax Part Deux if we "Celebrate" or Support to Vocally. Too Bad the US/UK Has this Baggage.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC (Join to see) I Know I'm a Pain in the Ass a Liberal Spook with a Thorough Knowledge of the History of the Intelligence Community.
CSM Charles Hayden
“The Oil Kings” by Andrew Scott Cooper is a great history, starting in 1969 of the Shah of Iran, his wants, the mistakes of the US to include Henry Kissinger being so secretive that his own staff was not aware of his machinations!
A HISTORY - not a fun read. PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
A HISTORY - not a fun read. PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC (Join to see)
I know about the CIA in Guatemala 1953 and the CIA and the Shah of Iran in 1953. I saw a really good documentary on Netflix concerning him. This guy was really a shy guy at the beginning until later he became really cocky and used his secret police against the demonstrators. I really think he could have fixed it and the revolution would not have happened. Yes, maybe the CIA meddling affected the outcome.
LTC (Join to see)
I met a former 1 Star General Air Force officer head of logistics for the Shah of Iran's Air Force. He was there when his son became a sergeant major or as you guys say in the Navy, Senior Master Chief? E9. His son is now my section sergeant major. He explained to me that when the junior officers took over the base and came into the headquarters, they shot the Air Force three or four star general. They were going to shoot his father ,the G4 Logistics General ,but some other Junior officer said' this guy is good ,let him go' so my section of sergeant majors dad escaped out of the base and immigrated to the United States. I'm sure he flew F-4 Phantoms and all kinds of other Air Force planes in the 60s and 70s prior to the revolution. Here is a picture where I photo-bombed his selfie. He came here as a young boy. Is that was very proud of him. He is medical Corps and he's also a high school principal.
This is an internal issue of a sovereign nation unless it turns to gross violations of human rights, in which case the UN will issue a polite and completely worthless demarche condemning said violations. Any outright involvement in trying to interfere with the internal matters of Iran will be fuel for the nut jobs to cry out CIA conspiracy.
LTC (Join to see)
That's what the nut job imams and the Revolutionary guards are all thinking. I'm sure Russian intelligence will tell them we have done nothing to foster this.
ignoring the fact of media bias, this is a very difficult subject to tackle. Historically the US has not intervened in such matters. At some point we have to stop being the world police and respect the sovereignty of said nations, but, the discussion is at what point do we draw that line.
LTC (Join to see)
We won't be the police of Iran. Iran is wedged between Russia and the rest of the Arab world. I think the Europeans are saying nothing because they have too many contracts at stake. Billions of dollars. Heck, the Russians are building more nuclear power plants. There is so much money being invested from the European Union in Iran. They can't bite the hand that feeds them. We can say something. What's really interesting is that North Korea, Venezuela and Iran are best buddies because they are all enemies of the United States. My fear is that North Korea will give a nuclear bomb or two to Iran bypassing seven-year delay to an atomic bomb Obama nuclear deal that was worked out with a bunch of other countries. 43 years ago before the Shah was deposed, Israel was an ally of Iran and Iran was being sold F-14 Tomcats. We had no clue about this country going rogue in 1979.
SSG (Join to see)
well, honor, gold, and land have been the primary reasons for warfare since the dawn of time. France didn't want to go into Iraq (Part 2) because we found out they where selling weapons for oil. Will we interfere? I don't know that answer, but, there's a lot of fears and unknowns and Iran becoming a nuclear power might be enough to tip the balance in the region to plunge it into chaos (as if it doesn't have enough problems already). It's interesting to see where this will go or hell, maybe this is by design (nod to the tin foil hatters).
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