A Hallmark Movie from 2002 based on a WWII story. They say it's "fact based". I watch it each year. It isn't always on Youtube, and it isn't always a good quality recording. I don't find it elsewhere either. (This one has subtitles in Spanish in the screen.)
First five minutes in German, all the rest in English. The acting is excellent. Filmed in Quebec. "In a cabin in a WWII front, a German mom with a son mediates a truce between 3 German and 3 American soldiers so they can all celebrate Christmas Eve 1944 together."
One of the comments:
"I first heard of this movie from a book I'm reading about the Battle of the Bulge, titled "Snow and Steel" by Peter Caddick Adams, and in it he recounts this story and metions that a movie about it was made in 2002, starring Linda Hamilton."
Another comment made: "I am a history buff, particularly the second world war. Lots of sadness, lots of happiness, lots of death and times of joy. This movie is so relevant with the time of the season, and two opposites coming together. This is an excellent movie and a true story which makes it even better the acting is tremendous, the story is extremely heartwarming and I watch it every year during the holidays… This is a beautiful story and a very hard time."
Another comment: "Should be played on every single network during the Holidays."