Posted on Jan 25, 2018
Six women become the first to earn Army's Expert Infantryman Badge
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 6
Are you sure it is "Job well done" Or did they get a pass to get it? My Son was there for the 1st woman to go to Ranger school (They were from West Point) I do not know if they all were from West Point. At the time my other son was at West Point that is why that part sticks out. In Ranger school you can only be Recycle twice (but you cannot be recycle twice for the same event. They were told from the start when it came to be Evaluated by your peers, they will not be evaluated (they thought the Man will not evaluated them fair). What I don't understand is if they thought someone was not going to be fair due the sex of the other person, then why are they there? So the females got a free pass of this. 2nd some of them failed the second twice and was about to take it a 3rd time. So in my view the Army already set the practice that females do get treated on a different scale. So my question is, did they get the same standers as I did when I got mine?
I would like to hear from some of the people that were there and get their view. And did they all get theirs on the 1 try? This will make you think.
Hate to be so dark but I have seen it done lot. I even was told to change the way to do things for they did not like how the numbers look. Then the next day they will tell me to go back to the way I was doing thing. This happen more times then once. People in charge like to change the rule when it does not fit there objective.
I would like to hear from some of the people that were there and get their view. And did they all get theirs on the 1 try? This will make you think.
Hate to be so dark but I have seen it done lot. I even was told to change the way to do things for they did not like how the numbers look. Then the next day they will tell me to go back to the way I was doing thing. This happen more times then once. People in charge like to change the rule when it does not fit there objective.
Earned mine as PFC with less than six months in the Army, in Korea, with almost no training since we worked all the time. It used to be something special, and maybe it still is, except now you can retest events you failed.
Took me 5 attempts and I still had to go through the training after I received it :)
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