Special Ops General: Rate of Deployment 'Unsustainable'
help spread this crowd funding site as far and wide as possible. My son, former Army Sgt. deserves a new trial, a private practice attorney and a second chance at telling the 'Court' his truth.
Warm regards,
Sally Webster
loving Mother of
former Sgt. Tyler James Webster
Dear Readers, As a mother, I post to you my plea to take heart and help me save former U.S. Army soldier Sgt. Tyler James Webster. Tyler needs your financial support in order to retain private practice criminal defense attorney Brockton Hunter of Minnesota for his defense toward a new trial and/or pay his now public defense attorney Larry Brock to convert back to private practice. Tyler has been charged with 2nd degree murder but as a...
When my son, Tyler James Webster, former Army Sgt. decided not to finish his eight year enlistment as 'active' after two deployments to the middle-east (Iraq and Afghanistan) but instead come home to his wife, two daughters, me and our community he became an Army reservist in order to complete his eight years but no longer deploy.
Tyler came home to Fairfield, IA March 2012. It took two months for the Army to locate an Army Reservist unit to assign him to in Washington City, IA.
Tyler did two month weekends and came home to his wife yelling that he was NOT going back to the unit weekends! He was NOT willing to deploy with those 'idiots', 'I am not willing to die in the desert with those idiots that have never even been out of their pickup trucks!' 'They only ever sit around and eat dougnuts, drink coffee and soda pop and talk about their wives and girlfriends! They don't even park the trucks safely! I WILL NOT deploy with those idiots!'
Tyler's unit commander called him when he did not show up for the third month weekend duty and Tyler yelled at him 'I'm NOT 'F' ing coming back!' That Reservist commander did nothing.
It was obvious Tyler was suffering from 'combat PTSD' but his wife and the Reservist unit did nothing. I have seen many times over the phrase, 'No soldier left behind' and yet that Washington, IA Reservist unit did NOTHING to check in on my son OR his family.
I tried to intervene but was yelled away so turned my back and walked away. I regret to this day I did not yell back and stand my ground. I knew my son was in need of stress reduction techniques from 'combat PTSD' and failed Tyler. To this day I am forming a humanitarian project for our returning that will give them the three things they need and deserve most:
1) Jobs
2) Housing
3) a formalized comprehensive step-down deprogramming from their 'battle training and theatre deployments'
Please see my son's legal fees crowd funding site and donate something but most importantly as well send his site URL to all you know as this is what makes crowd funding successful. Tyler's site is:
Warm regards and blessings to you Sgt. Reynolds,
Sally Webster
loving Mother of
Tyler James Webster
Dear Readers, As a mother, I post to you my plea to take heart and help me save former U.S. Army soldier Sgt. Tyler James Webster. Tyler needs your financial support in order to retain private practice criminal defense attorney Brockton Hunter of Minnesota for his defense toward a new trial and/or pay his now public defense attorney Larry Brock to convert back to private practice. Tyler has been charged with 2nd degree murder but as a...
I hope you are willing to read carefully through my son's crowd funding URL site and donate and pass on his site to as many you know as soon as possible such that his truth gets heard in a court of law that does not contain a biased juror and the female witness for prosecution needs to be polygraphed about her testimony.
Former Sgt. Tyler Webster's crowd funding URL site is:
Warm regards,
Sally Webster
loving Mother of
Sgt. Tyler Webster
Dear Readers, As a mother, I post to you my plea to take heart and help me save former U.S. Army soldier Sgt. Tyler James Webster. Tyler needs your financial support in order to retain private practice criminal defense attorney Brockton Hunter of Minnesota for his defense toward a new trial and/or pay his now public defense attorney Larry Brock to convert back to private practice. Tyler has been charged with 2nd degree murder but as a...