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Responses: 6
Susan Foster
As he should have.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
He has a right to object but it is also his job to find the reasons why the POTUS might not have confidence in the opinion and address those reasons. Not the POTUS job to unconditionally believe everything the CIA or FBI says, they both need to make a case which it appears in this case they failed in part to make the case.
Susan Foster
Susan Foster
>1 y
SPC Erich Guenther - There has been plenty of evidence, including a very long indictment of two separate groups of Russians who interfered. I was extremely disappointed in the POTUS, and I don't understand it. He's had plenty of evidence, but to again say he's not sure he believes them? Unconscionable. And I do believe he's being played by Putin and I believe history will bear that out.
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Cpl Alan Moran
how can so many leaders ignore trump?
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LTC David Brown
Ok, it seems that the Steele Dossier was handed around in various versions to differant people and pushed as being factual. Our intelligence agencies have not been very supportive of Trump. Trump today said he screwed up. Not the end of the world. Yet while Iran was teaching our enemies in Afghanistan and Iraq how to make more effective IED’s and providing support to terrorists around the world having demonstrations in the streets of Iran chanting “death to America”, the Obama administration was lifting sanctions and send plane loads of cash. I don’t think Americans maimed, killed, or injured by Russian activity is a 100th of those inflected by Iran. So why wasn’t Obama labeled a traitor.
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
>1 y
LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
>1 y
Iran deal included inspection of facilities and had international support (UK and EU members supported as part of compromise). Trump appeared to unilaterally contradict not only CIA, but other intelligence agencies of allied countries.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
LTC Eugene Chu - the North Korean nuclear deal Engineered by Albright and Clinton, had inspectors etc via the UN etc, how did that work out? I think Clinton said the deal guaranteed North Korea wouldn’t get nukes. Rhodes, one of the Obama administration officials that helped engineer the Iran deal admitted he lied to sell the deal to Americans. https://nypost.com/2016/05/05/playing-the-press-and-the-public-for-chumps-to-sell-the-iran-deal/
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