Posted on Dec 31, 2019
Texas church shooting: Gunman opens fire during Sunday service | DW | 29.12.2019
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 5
Saw this on the news last night, thankfully they had a security team on hand.
LTC Glenna Wheatley
If you saw the video, you will realize that the security team is actually several armed church members, thanks to our 2nd amendment and some states finally recognizing it. The first guy took the shooter out with one shot, after which time, at least half a dozen other armed service members showed up, weapons at the ready in case there were more. This. This is what is making America great again.
It is inconceivable to me that anyone worshiping wouldn't be considered off limits for this kind of thing. Thank God this was quickly taken care of by individuals already in the church
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