Responses: 6
He might have just gotten a call to a more important incident, and couldn't waste any more time on this lady. It happens.
Videos show only a short tunnel vision view of an incident. It didn't show what led up to the traffic stop. It doesn't show any intelligence the patrolman knew before or during the stop. It doesn't show that the patrolman checked the plates and VIN number and needed to verify the identity of the driver. There is a lot the video doesn't show.
Ok I'm glad the officer kept his cool but I'm also pissed off at the driver because she had no reason to refuse to provide her license and registration. I've disagreed with cops for pulling me over for i.e. failure to come to complete stop at a stop sign and another for having an 8 in long single line crack on passenger side of my windshield. It was BS but you suck it up and give them ID and registration. Now when one cop asked me for my SSN to put on the traffic citation, I asked why...his response "because there's a block on the ticket for it." Oh hells no! That's not a justification, that tells me he didn't even know why he's asking for that information. There's a time and place to refuse to comply.
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