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Responses: 16
Lt Col Charlie Brown
IMO, he deserves it. While his OERs are good, his previous raters admit he is partisan for the country he left and he allowed it to overrule his loyalty to this one.
SP5 Dennis Loberger
SP5 Dennis Loberger
>1 y
I was not aware that any of his OERs have been released other than the most recent one which he read
SSG Robert Mark Odom
SSG Robert Mark Odom
5 y
PO1 (Join to see) She never has a source.
LTC Jess Capel
LTC Jess Capel
5 y
And you know what his OERs say, how did this come to be?
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
5 y
Vindman steps up wirh Dems to help smear Trump because I think he’s thinking Dems will come out on top. The President fires back and caught
Vindman in a lie .. So now the liberal
Mud slinging machine slate is coming up to call the President out. Reminds me of that movie “ship of fools” ..
I think he can take them General stars back to the px and cancel that uniform order. And call that other outfitter and order a parka and mukluks.. for the new assignment....
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Here we go again. Typical Republican SOP; attack the messenger.
They will attempt to smear honest, honorable public servants to cover the wrongdoing of their messiah.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
>1 y
How do you expect people not to question after the Mueller report? Trump was not even sworn in before they started talking impeachment and here we are, three years later going down that path.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
MAJ Byron Oyler - OK, did you read the Muller report? Especially Vol II? That clearly spells out grounds for obstruction of justice charges. I just wish Congress had the balls to follow up on those charges.
LTC Simulation Operations
LTC (Join to see)
5 y
MSG Stan Hutchison
If they were that damning why are they not in the Articles of Impeachment?

Answer: Because they are very thin and ultimately unprovable.

Why are we Impeaching the President? Because of Quid Pro Quo? Ukrainian president said there was none. Any obstruction? No, the President released the transcript of the phone call.

This is purely a political stunt by the Democratic party leading into the primaries. I am afraid it will backfire.

We need to come together not get more divisive.
LTC Simulation Operations
LTC (Join to see)
4 y
MSG Stan Hutchison They ran with charges that were less than provable. If there was legal weight to the Mueller Report they would have used it.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
The Vindman transcript also showed a witness whose testimony was filled with opinion, with impressions, who had little new to offer, who withheld important information from the committee, who was steeped in a bureaucracy that has often been hostile to the president, and whose lawyer, presumably with Vindman’s approval, expressed unmistakable disdain, verging on contempt, for members of Congress who asked inconvenient questions.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
SrA John Monette - And the Democratic Party withdrew Aid for South Vietnam because they didn't like Nixon. Bush I committed to the Soviets that we wouldn't take advantage of their problems by expanding NATO, which every president has done since then. Presidents and Congress back out and or change agreements all the time. To be real about it, we don't owe the Ukraine anything and we can change or back out of any agreement we have if we aren't happy.
SGT Lou Meza
SGT Lou Meza
>1 y
But not for personal political gain .CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
SGT Lou Meza - What personal gain? The guys with the personal gain in this situation is the Biden's. So far the only thing that has been proven is that he wanted to make sure the Ukraine continued to investigate corruption. When you consider that the first Aid package's accounting on the Ukrainian end was next to non existant and a number of things point to a lot of those funds ending up in the account of Mykola Zlochevsky, who just happens to own Bursima.
The Ukraine is a prime example of why we should stay out of the nation building business. Here is a map and a very good view of the situation. https://www.e-ir.info/2015/03/13/understanding-the-other-ukraine-identity-and-allegiance-in-russophone-ukraine/
SP5 Dennis Loberger
SP5 Dennis Loberger
>1 y
Disdain for Congress is held by the majority of Americans of both parties. That does not necessarily reflect negatively on her
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