Posted on Oct 29, 2017
The Casimir Warp Drive:is the Casimir Effect a Valid Candidate to Generate and Sustain a Natario...
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 2
Good evening Dan - this old man would need to shake some cobwebs loose - it's been a long time since I could reach that deep in my mind to comprehend.
“If negative masses are not allowed by General Relativity and the warp drive needs negative masses this means to say that the warp drive is impossible.
This is true from the point of view of the Classical Physics domain where General Relativity belongs:However the Quantum Physics domain allows sub-microscopical amounts of negative energy densities in a clear violation of the WEC.
The only known process to generate experimentally these sub-microscopical amounts of negative energy densities is the Casimir Effect.” (p. 16)
I have yet to read of forces within the Quantum Mechanical realm being manipulated without expenditure of VAST quantities of energy.
“Ridgely proposed the following idea:If the Casimir Effect can only generate sub-microscopical amounts of negative energy density and the warp drive needs tremendous amounts of it then why not try to modify the Casimir Effect in order to generate large and macroscopical amounts of it in order to sustain a warp bubble?? (pg 1 in [13]).
Due to the microscopically small value of the Planck Constant h = 6,626 × 10−34 Joules which is the basis of all the Quantum Mechanics thats supports the Casimir Effect we dont know if the Ridgely idea is achievable.
Perhaps it is possible and we simply dont know how to enlarge the Casimir Effect in order to obtain the large amounts of exotic matter needed to sustain a warp drive perhaps with a different set of equations.
So in this work we propose a different idea:why not to modify the geometry of the warp drive space- time in order to be satisfied by the small amounts of negative energy generated by the Casimir Effect??
A modification in the equations of the warp drive can reduce dramatically the needs of negative energy needed to sustain it making the requirements of the warp drive negative energy density as small as the experimental results obtained by Lamoreaux for the Casimir Effect.” (p. 18)
Here, he appears to say that the fundamental equations don’t give him results he likes so he’ll manipulate the equations until he gets answers he likes... then shrugs his shoulders and says it’s a problem for engineers.
I’m neither a physicist nor an engineer, but to my mind it’s an energy problem. Producing enough energy to produce negative energy...
This is true from the point of view of the Classical Physics domain where General Relativity belongs:However the Quantum Physics domain allows sub-microscopical amounts of negative energy densities in a clear violation of the WEC.
The only known process to generate experimentally these sub-microscopical amounts of negative energy densities is the Casimir Effect.” (p. 16)
I have yet to read of forces within the Quantum Mechanical realm being manipulated without expenditure of VAST quantities of energy.
“Ridgely proposed the following idea:If the Casimir Effect can only generate sub-microscopical amounts of negative energy density and the warp drive needs tremendous amounts of it then why not try to modify the Casimir Effect in order to generate large and macroscopical amounts of it in order to sustain a warp bubble?? (pg 1 in [13]).
Due to the microscopically small value of the Planck Constant h = 6,626 × 10−34 Joules which is the basis of all the Quantum Mechanics thats supports the Casimir Effect we dont know if the Ridgely idea is achievable.
Perhaps it is possible and we simply dont know how to enlarge the Casimir Effect in order to obtain the large amounts of exotic matter needed to sustain a warp drive perhaps with a different set of equations.
So in this work we propose a different idea:why not to modify the geometry of the warp drive space- time in order to be satisfied by the small amounts of negative energy generated by the Casimir Effect??
A modification in the equations of the warp drive can reduce dramatically the needs of negative energy needed to sustain it making the requirements of the warp drive negative energy density as small as the experimental results obtained by Lamoreaux for the Casimir Effect.” (p. 18)
Here, he appears to say that the fundamental equations don’t give him results he likes so he’ll manipulate the equations until he gets answers he likes... then shrugs his shoulders and says it’s a problem for engineers.
I’m neither a physicist nor an engineer, but to my mind it’s an energy problem. Producing enough energy to produce negative energy...
Capt Daniel Goodman
That's actually a decent point...he objective of the NASA Eagle works project was to provide a microscopic test platform for such experiments. What I'd realized, when I'd learned of the dynamic Casimir effect, however, was that, as I've found in numerous papers by others, it could allow for such a test platform by an alternative means, I think, oossibly, apart from the White-Juday interferometer. He approach there is to modify one arm of a Michaelson Morley interferometer, with a toroidal capacitor, so as to create sufficient spacetime distortion as to be measurable as a change in its fringe pattern. The difference with the dynamic Casimir effect is that, evidently, it apparently does actually generate light by two photon squeezing. For that reason, it should, I think, also be causing spacetime deformation, even if only microscopically. I should think, then, that if a sufficiently large array of SQUID devices were ganged together, creating the desired mirror effect on a far larger scale, that there might well be a way to deform spacetime on a far larger and/or more perceptible scale. In the case of dark lightning, which gives rise to terrestrial gamma ray flashes (TGFs) observable from orbit, producing an antimatter cloud, one of which was actually flown through, I have little doubt that, in such a case of exotic planetary matter, generated on such a large scale on the planet, even if localized to a thunderstorm, that such large scale spacetime distortion sufficient to generate a traversable microwormhole would in fact be generated. There's been another group, Space Warp Dynamics LLC, its head is faculty at Univ of Nebraska in Omaha (UNO), that's been experimenting with simulating the triple electrostatic characteristics of thunderstorms using a fractal antenna array, to try to build a test UAV to fly for proof of concept, using a method of laser based pattern changes very similar to the NASA Eagleworks concept. There's also a project in the Physics Dept. At Univ. Of Conn. (UCONN), Storrs, CT, to try to deform spacetime using inertial frame gpdragging akin to the van Stockum dust solution method of solving general relativity, using ring laser based hardware, that I'd realized was nasically similar, except that it's ostensibly supposed to allow transmission of information back through time, using a closed timelike curve (CTC) approach. I just was trying to show others here the current state of the art in such efforts, I've just had a serious interest in such physics now for quite awhile, I appreciate your taking the time to answer, many thanks.
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