Responses: 2
Jack, you are a writer and as a writer you write for a particular readers, all written material left or right is aimed for a target audience that is willing to pay to buy it, while at the same time written material is written so that non readers/buyer will criticize it and thereby provide exposure. Think about it as a writer you are just serving by publicizing for the Daily Signal.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Pedro Meza - I'll agree without hesitation that GOP/DNC is all about the money. Left/Right, not so much. There are distinct differences in ideology that go beyond the dollar value. In fact, the differences are fundamental to how we shall live, as free citizens or abject subjects.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Jack Durish - Left/Right are all the same because they use ideology to get supporters; it a human fundamental behavior. "free citizens or abject subjects." are just catch phrases for how either hooks his/her supporters, because they are based on fears.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Pedro Meza - You may believe that and I don't believe you're paying attention. But hey, that's what opinions are all about, right?
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Jack Durish - My opinion is that Left/Right are like people at a bar, a drunk for the most part show their true self and at the bar Left/Right changes with the drinks.
Did you not know only left leaning liberal women are competent enough to run for the office of President of the United States.
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