Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 2
New American historical facts like this is startling. Like finding out that it was the Democratic Party that wanted to retain the American Slave Trade and the history of "common sense gun control" houses a history of racism to help dehumanize and devalue the American Citizenship based on race.
On topic with FDR, it's funny in a dark way when someone who served his country before becoming president (Eisenhower) would create a much better America versus someone who was a career politician with these terrifying ideas to implement into reality.
On topic with FDR, it's funny in a dark way when someone who served his country before becoming president (Eisenhower) would create a much better America versus someone who was a career politician with these terrifying ideas to implement into reality.
The problem with WW2 is that it started in 1901. Teddy Roosevelt knew that the USA had to become a world player to survive. So plans were made for an American "Empire" similar to what Britain, France and others had. The "great white fleet", opening Japan, all geared towards that end. Money is allowed to percolate into politics and we find ourselves (Spanish American War) starting wars at business goading. Read Charles Higham's "Trading With The Enemy." 99% of American business was still trading with Nazi Germany up until 1945.
**One need only notice that USAAC **NEVER** bombed any concentration camps**
Even though strategic bombing demanded that all industry be eliminated. So business - big business - was pulling all of the strings. Remember that America had just come out of a destructive depression and big business (ie; putting people to work) was one of the keys to recovery. Jewish hatred? American concentration camps? Well, considering that "fifth columnists" (plants, spies, etc) had assisted Germany in overthrowing Europe, it was a real fear. Note that a lot of Holland's flooding defenses were overcome when guards that were German sleepers, failed to activate the flooding. So 5th column - ie; locking up your enemies' population was a smart move, no more asinine than all the TSA 9/11 stuff that goes on today with middle Eastern profiling.
Now why was it Japanese only, you ask? Well, quite realistically, the baby boom had not happened yet and a large portion of America's population was largely of European (read: Germanic/Italian) descent. Can you picture America locking up all German Americans or Italian Americans? Half the country would be gone. Also at the time, most of American government and definitely American industry was doing quite well at keeping America out of Europe's war. Note that German U-Boats had killed more American civilians and sailors than (insert analogy of your choice) yet, no one was pushing for war against Hitler. The Tri-Partite act was duly noted, but it was also duly noted that Japan did not join her partners (Germany and Italy) in the invasion of Russia. So by all accounts, Japanese declaration of war on the USA should not have involved Germany. This would be sticky as America went to war with Japan only. Had Hitler not been an idiot and declared war on the USA, America would have had to choose between selling weapons to Britain or Germany.
America's involvement in the war was necessary and Churchill was pulling all strings possible to get this to happen. One of those strings was the sharing of ENIGMA intel. So honestly - you have the USA reading "death squad" totals and figures long before December 11th, 1941. So for America (and indeed Britain) to pretend that they "did not know" is ludicrous. Yet - despite all of that, America never threatened the German ambassador, Britain shut down emigration to Palestine, etc. This also kind of gets in the craw of why-oh-why do we send the Jews to the desert? You're a French Jew released from the camps after the war; why would you NOT want to go back to France? Polish Jew to Poland, etc. The scene at the end of Schindler's List sums up the allies truthfully as possible. Newly liberated Jews ask the Russian soldier where they should go. His answer is priceless: "don't go East; they hate you there. Don't go West; they hate you there too."
Sadly we were only anti-semetic when it suited our needs. Up until June 6th, 1967, "kike" was usable in conversation...
**One need only notice that USAAC **NEVER** bombed any concentration camps**
Even though strategic bombing demanded that all industry be eliminated. So business - big business - was pulling all of the strings. Remember that America had just come out of a destructive depression and big business (ie; putting people to work) was one of the keys to recovery. Jewish hatred? American concentration camps? Well, considering that "fifth columnists" (plants, spies, etc) had assisted Germany in overthrowing Europe, it was a real fear. Note that a lot of Holland's flooding defenses were overcome when guards that were German sleepers, failed to activate the flooding. So 5th column - ie; locking up your enemies' population was a smart move, no more asinine than all the TSA 9/11 stuff that goes on today with middle Eastern profiling.
Now why was it Japanese only, you ask? Well, quite realistically, the baby boom had not happened yet and a large portion of America's population was largely of European (read: Germanic/Italian) descent. Can you picture America locking up all German Americans or Italian Americans? Half the country would be gone. Also at the time, most of American government and definitely American industry was doing quite well at keeping America out of Europe's war. Note that German U-Boats had killed more American civilians and sailors than (insert analogy of your choice) yet, no one was pushing for war against Hitler. The Tri-Partite act was duly noted, but it was also duly noted that Japan did not join her partners (Germany and Italy) in the invasion of Russia. So by all accounts, Japanese declaration of war on the USA should not have involved Germany. This would be sticky as America went to war with Japan only. Had Hitler not been an idiot and declared war on the USA, America would have had to choose between selling weapons to Britain or Germany.
America's involvement in the war was necessary and Churchill was pulling all strings possible to get this to happen. One of those strings was the sharing of ENIGMA intel. So honestly - you have the USA reading "death squad" totals and figures long before December 11th, 1941. So for America (and indeed Britain) to pretend that they "did not know" is ludicrous. Yet - despite all of that, America never threatened the German ambassador, Britain shut down emigration to Palestine, etc. This also kind of gets in the craw of why-oh-why do we send the Jews to the desert? You're a French Jew released from the camps after the war; why would you NOT want to go back to France? Polish Jew to Poland, etc. The scene at the end of Schindler's List sums up the allies truthfully as possible. Newly liberated Jews ask the Russian soldier where they should go. His answer is priceless: "don't go East; they hate you there. Don't go West; they hate you there too."
Sadly we were only anti-semetic when it suited our needs. Up until June 6th, 1967, "kike" was usable in conversation...
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