Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 3
I'd say Percival is the biggest fool on this list, but Bull Halsey gives him a run for his money.
Can't really quibble with this list too much. I love seeing de Gaulle in the picture. He is definitely one I would have put there
Someone once said, "History is all about perspective... I can make a convincing argument we lost the Revolutionary War, that WWI and WWII were the same war, and that the Roman Empire never fell... it just kept moving west." Some of these are good assessments; others, neglect important mitigating facts. Halsey gets blamed a lot for his "blunder"... but this often fails to take into account his transformative influence on naval aviation, and impact on the ultimate outcome of the war in the Pacific. Custer's folly at the Greasy Grass is well-known and thoroughly dissected... but if you take into account the compendium of his experiences; it's less damning to his record that he lost... than it is to the overriding strategy and policy he was being ordered to support. "Little Mac" has been derided for over a century and a half... but to be perfectly frank, he seems to have been stymied less by incompetence, than he was by a genuinely pragmatic picture of the CSA's superior strategies a the time, and his sincere desire not to sacrifice thousands of lives needlessly. Personally, I think some commanders simply find themselves in roles that don't suit them. Place Patton in charge of nothing more than a battalion during WWII... and I think he loses his entire command. Place Custer in charge of the whole operation against the Sioux and Cheyenne... and I think he wins at Little Big Horn. Then, there are guys like Napoleon... I'm not sure, but he may be something that only comes around once in a great while. Most people don't realize he really didn't "lose" to Wellington... he was simply too ill to be physically present on the field when he was needed most, and his subordinates pissed it away. Napoleon was great because he could see the "big picture" in 360 Panavsion with Surround Sound. He lost in Russia for the same reasons everyone does... it's freaking Russia. What's amazing is how he staged his come-back later.
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