Responses: 6
I will not say anything about your religious comments, but your political comments are way off base. It appears you have fallen for the propaganda, not the facts.
PO1 Kevin Dougherty
Everything I said has been researched and verified. You can choose to agree or not, but the facts are what they are.
MSG Stan Hutchison
PO1 Kevin Dougherty - I will not argue the few facts you insert, but the majority of this is opinion. An opinion I disagree with.
PO1 Kevin Dougherty
You are certainly free to disagree. I would point out however, that most of my argument in the first part is factually based. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were passed by Republican majorities, under a Republican president. The early Civil Rights acts as well were passed by Republican majorities, though several of the early ones were subsequently overturned by the courts. Most of the Civil Rights acts from 1957 on were overwhelmingly supported by the Republican members of Congress. In fact, support from the Republicans was needed to overcome opposition from the Democrats such as Strom Thurman and Joe Biden. Yep old Joe was against it before he was for it.
Joe Biden didn’t just compromise with segregationists. He fought for their cause in schools,...
Joe Biden helped give America the language that is still used to oppose school integration today, legislative and education history experts say.
I appreciate the invitation to read it, but, to be succinct, "Vote Trump because abortion is bad," isn't enough.
I think choosing a leader for a free, non-theocracy, using religious texts is irrational.
I think choosing a leader for a free, non-theocracy, using religious texts is irrational.
PO1 Kevin Dougherty
Nor do I . As I alluded several times, that is just one. Time and space simply did not allow me to address all the issues. As far as religious texts go, we will just have to agree to disagree. OK, then tell me when is the magic moment that a "zygot" becomes a human? Viability? Oh wait, that keeps getting pushed back. Is it when the baby enters the birth canal? No wait, we have partial birth abortion. After birth, nope, several states allow for victims of botched abortions to be given only palliative care. Sorry, as a father and grandfather, I find no rational justification for abortion on demand.
PO1 Kevin Dougherty
Actually, I never mentioned Trump. in that context. Only in the context of those who place all the blame for the divisiveness we see on him. That has been a growing issue for decades really, though 9-11 pulled us briefly together.
I am not a one issue voter, but I certainly value certain issues more highly as they affect me directly.
Foreign policy and economic policy. Reasonable people can disagree on these two things.
Down the list further are things like individual freedom and the rule of law, items that have come more to the forefront in 2020. Both are directly threatened with stated support for the Democratic Party, whether it is the anarchy and chaos that engulf many city streets - including my backyard in Minneapolis, or stated threats to imprison mask violators while freeing felons(!) because coronavirus might catch fire in penitentiaries.
There is a clear choice on the issues in 2020.
What makes this election vague is that on one side you have a clearly amoral candidate, and on the other you have a candidate that is clearly not in command of his faculties. I mourn the notion that this is the best that we can do for choices.
Foreign policy and economic policy. Reasonable people can disagree on these two things.
Down the list further are things like individual freedom and the rule of law, items that have come more to the forefront in 2020. Both are directly threatened with stated support for the Democratic Party, whether it is the anarchy and chaos that engulf many city streets - including my backyard in Minneapolis, or stated threats to imprison mask violators while freeing felons(!) because coronavirus might catch fire in penitentiaries.
There is a clear choice on the issues in 2020.
What makes this election vague is that on one side you have a clearly amoral candidate, and on the other you have a candidate that is clearly not in command of his faculties. I mourn the notion that this is the best that we can do for choices.
PO1 Kevin Dougherty
Nor am I, time and space did not allow for treatment of more than one issue in the depth deserved. If time and chores allow, I have a few others in mind. Having to make a choice, I had to decide the most important. As a father to 6 and Grandfather to 17, that choice was obvious.
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