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Responses: 3
MAJ Brigade Fire Support Officer
I would strongly consider leaving it in the TSP, the fund expense ratios are very low.
MSG Military Police
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
That's what I did though more because I don't need it than because I planned out that COA. : )
MAJ Brigade Fire Support Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Good plan, TSP index funds are some of the best out there. Also the data shows, passive investing in index funds consistently beats actively managed mutual funds. The TSP is a great place to build and sustain wealth. Check out TSPallocation.com, great place to look if you are interested on ideas on how to allocate the funds.
LTC John Shaw
LTC John Shaw
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - I have some IRA investments with USAA and meet with an advisor for advise and I manage most my money myself at Fidelity. I would leave your TSP where it is. The Fees are so low that no one else can come close. Less than 10 basis points to manage money is hard to find. If you value having all your investments in one place then I can see the reason for consolidation.
I use my TSP as part of my total portfolio and treat it as one of my passive indexing components in the total portfolio.
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SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
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Lt Col Jim Coe
Rolled my TSP along with funds from a previous employer 401(k) into a traditional IRA. Financial Engines (formerly the Mutual Fund Store) manages the account. They take a small percent each quarter to manage the account, so when the account does well they do well. Financial Engines has done a very good job managing the fund. Something I lack the knowledge, experience, education, and information to do competently.
MSgt Guillermo Ybarra III (HVAC Recruiter)
MSgt Guillermo Ybarra III (HVAC Recruiter)
>1 y
Im thinking about putting all my TSP funds into a USAA IRA.
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