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Responses: 13
SPC Robert Coventry
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
7 y
We all have an opinion as to whom else could have been selected. I have my own but I also don't dispute this selection either.
Sgt William Biggs
What does this have to do with Republicans?
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7 y
SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" - This really does have to do with the environment of tolerance for sexual assault engendered by The President and The New Republican Party. Some Democrats have been caught up in this matter - but The New Repubkican Party and most particularly The President have set a more tolerant tone. Sexual attacks appear to be just fine as long as the guy follows the party line - take for example the Republican Party and The President's Roy Moore financial and political support and pending election. Warmest Regards, Sandy ( God Fearing - Deeply Devout - Reagan Era Republican )
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7 y
SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" - This article specifically mentioned President Trump - who was named by Time Magazine last year as "President of the Divided States of America." - who falsely claimed Time Magazine offered to name him again this year. The man is the epitome of the New Republican Party that cares not for the rule of law (i.e. claiming the president is above the law) - principle - ethics - or protection of those who need help in our society - including food, heat, shelter, and healthvade - and is perfectly willing to put a repeatedly accused sexual predator in office as long as he votes the party line.
Warmest Regards, Sandy ( God Fearing - Deeply Devout - Reagan Era Republican )
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7 y
SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" - I agree in many ways. But, ultimately this comes down to a question of what we choose to believe. One accuser - many of our colleagues may assess credibility, corroborating evidence, and wait for another shoe to fall. A half dozen or more credible accusers together with corroborating evidence - I am not certain we need to wait for the other shoe to fall. No one had to put Adolph Hitler on trial to believe he orchestrated slavery, starvation, medical experiments, torture, and death of so many of his own and citizens of other countries. I believe we should give the justice system a chance to work when the circumstances merit. But, I also believe in personal action to cull a predator from the herd when prudent and necessary under exigent circumstances.
Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
7 y
"Some Democrats?" Come on! Democrats set a clear standard back in the 90s and many of them are still in office and/or prevalent in today's political climate. A standard which should not have been tolerated regardless of party. Don't lay this on your perception of "new Republicans". Furthermore, despite all the allegations ignored about an enabling media and Hollywood elite, that toleration has festered. Some Democrats my ass...
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Edited 7 y ago
Anger Management - best answer - ensure every affected woman is armed & dangerous!!!
As KC Kolowski says - "He's Dead!!! Can I Go Now!!!" - too often the only route to justice!!!
Warmest Regards & God Bless These Very Fine Young Women, Sandy :)

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